forum What's the story behind your username?
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

Mine is because of the new Twenty Øne Piløts song. I really relate to that song because I'm struggling with depression and suicide and that's what the song, Neon Gravestones, is mostly about. I mean, that's what most of their songs are about, you know, struggling with mental illness, but I really understood and related to Neon Gravestones and I loved it a lot so I just kinda made it my username…

@HighPockets group

I was @@jynandor for a while because RebelCaptain, y'all! And because Rogue One was one of 2 things that helped me start writing, the other being Fantastic Beasts.
Then I was @@BarrissokasSPOOKYBrainworms because Barrissoka, y'all!! And because those brainworms were the creepiest thing I could think of.
Then I was @@JynnieWhoIsMourning to mourn for Chuck.
Then I was @TonksOrTreats for like 15 minutes for the Halloween costume day before being discovered.
And now I'm @@JynnieStardust because Jynnie is my on-site nickname, and Stardust is Jyn's nickname and I just love the fact that stardust is in our veins and we each have a bit of the universe flowing through us :)

@Starfast group

Mine is the last name of one of my characters. He's not a self insert, or anything like that but a few years ago I was signing up for a different website and needed a username. I ended up using this character's last name because I felt like it would be a cool username, and it's been my username ever since. He's also one of my favourite characters so it's got that personal aspect as well.


The reason behind my usual name (Born_Confuzzled_Chameleon) is because I needed a username, and I saw on a website for usernames, "bornconfused" So, I took the confused and made it confuzzled, and I used chameleon because it sounded nice with the rest.

The reason for "YeetedNotYote" is because we were having a debate of the past tense of yeet.

It got TENSE

finger guns


He started the "Anyone want a British Friend' chat.
He passed away from cancer a… Week ago? Two? I don't know anymore.
He's one of my best friends.


I know it was at least two.
I just don't know the exact day anymore.
But idk if it's been 3
Oh you know what
It was the 21 bc it was the day before my brother's birthday.


Mine is because of the new Twenty Øne Piløts song. I really relate to that song because I'm struggling with depression and suicide and that's what the song, Neon Gravestones, is mostly about. I mean, that's what most of their songs are about, you know, struggling with mental illness, but I really understood and related to Neon Gravestones and I loved it a lot so I just kinda made it my username…

Neon Gravestones is my favorite rn