forum What's the story behind your username?
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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Just tell us. Especially @ThatBackgroundSlytherin bc y not.
If you're not Sly, you can post too!
Nobody knows the meaning for andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s username…


You can describe other usernames in the past,their meanings, and why you changed them, also.

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It’s an HP thing. There’s a comic called That Backfround Slytherin that’s really popular in the HP fandom.

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I'm from a Hogwarts House in HP called Slytherin, for the cunning and ambitious!

I do love the comics, but the main reason I chose this name was because I'm always in the background watching people do cool things while I rot in hell :)


I found a thing for usernames where "BornConfused" was one of the options, so I made it Born Confuzzled and added Chameleon.

My username used to be Annika.
bc thats my name.

But I changed it because its unoriginal.

Deleted user

Okay so my user was originally

M’s Moral Depression, because I was the maker of an AMAZING MAN THAT TOTALY ISNT BASED OFF OF L, and I represented his ‘Moral Depression’ since I made him severely depressed and BPD ridden.

Eventually I changed it to the monstrosity it is now because I’m an awful mess.

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If you want that explaination, I can give it buttttt it’ll be long and I don’t think anyone cares

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I think my username need to get more original
and its actually quite boring
I just really like foxes
and 32 is my lucky number and it's my basketball number

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Howdy. So like, I first made the name Riverpuppy, which was a combination of my favorite "main" element (water) and my favorite animal (dog, puppy), and it was only used for this game called Transformice that I used to play. This was back when I first started actually liking computer games and online stuff, so I branched out to find more and changed the name to Riverpaw because the 'paw' represents my love of all animals, not just puppies.

And before you ask, I had NO IDEA what Warriors was when I made the name, so the fact that it happens to be an apprentice name is purely coincidental. I did start reading Warriors when I found out though. If you don't know what Warriors is, it's this book series about forest cats, and the young cats in training always have 'paw' at the end of their name.


My name is like this because one time I wanted to create a pet for a character and the pet was no big deal, I wasn't even planning to keep it. I just slammed my hands on the keyboard and for the first time ever I had actually created something that could be considered a name: Euric. I eventually made this pet into an actual magic character in the story. I chose to use this name as my code name at a summer camp where I was being a program aide for. Everyone thought my name was really weird, but I didn't care. I pretty much identified myself with the name and I responded to it. One day when I had to make a user name for an account, I didn't want to be boring old Euric, so I decided to add knight to the end because I slay. And I decided to keep the name for this app too so there you go. That is the story of Euric Knight.

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Uh hi, im the really high one on this site.
Uh, my name is Connie, i am an INFP which is called a mediator….

@Kanaroli group

I was thinking long and hard but all I could think of was Steven Universe and Blue Diamond because of the new episodes so I just went with a nickname for Blue