forum What Makes You Happy?
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 51 followers

Deleted user

I’m doing an art project for someone, yet I can’t pin down what “Happiness” means. When I look it up, I find laughter and emotion, but not physical things that can universally make people happy.

So give me what makes you feel happy, that bubbly, warm feeling inside. If answers match, it’ll appear more on the project.

For example, something that makes me really happy is making music, and just music in general.

Deleted user

Reading a really cute OTP scenario and picturing your OTP in it and when it just fits so perfectly with the characters

But that’s not something I can draw to capture that emotion.

@Shadow_Knight group

When you sit outside and everything is quiet except for the birds and the wind, and the sun is partially under the clouds. Sorry its really specific but I love it when that happens.

@saor_illust school


-My friends and family

-Really good books. Like, I'm talking heartwrenching, emotional, makes-anyone-cry and worth rereading over and over again within the timespan of a week good.


@Pickles group

-Dancing by myself even though everyone and their mother knows I can't dance. Just spinning and jumping around and pretending I look graceful
-Performing. The feeling when you walk off the field after a good run in front of hundreds of people, even though I don't remember a thing

@saor_illust school

-Performing. The feeling when you walk off the field after a good run in front of hundreds of people, even though I don't remember a thing

This, 100%

(agh quarantine sucks so much i forgot about that!!!!)

Deleted user

Oh I already finished it, but I’m enjoying everyone’s responses.

@Anemone eco

Well, receiving a heartfelt compliment makes me happy. Even the ones that almost make my heart leap from my throat.

Deleted user

Oh I already finished it, but I’m enjoying everyone’s responses.

I wanna see

gives a look


you can probably guess who i made it for, and I’m gonna end up giving it to him once this whole backstreet boys reunion tour garbage is over

I hope you enjoyed my garbage handwriting lmao

Deleted user

haha thanks. I caved in and showed him the pictures and he said it made him feel the best he had all day last night.

Anyway, please keep sharing.