forum what is your RP pet peeves?
Started by mori

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what are some things that make you annoyed when you rp?
for me, its when the person your rping with instantly starts courting your charactar

Deleted user

I just get pissed when people don't use correct grammar or make their characters overpowered, but that's p basic.

@saor_illust school

1) when they take like five months to respond
okay, yes, i know that i take like forever to respond now but i don't take five whole months

2) again, like reed said, when they don't use correct grammar or spell correctly
it annoys me so much. like, could you actually bother to at least have correct spelling?

@The-Magician group

When the creator of the RP has specifically said not to use one-liners the entire time, and then some people go completely against that and give the rest of the RPers such a small amount to work with that they physically CAN NOT respond!!!!


When I say that I would like it to be a certain type of romance (Gay, Straight, Lesbian, etc), and then…they post a character of the wrong gender for the romance?? Like this has happened multiple times where I've said "I would like this to be gay, please" and then…..they post a female character? Like…bitch??? that's not what i wanted???

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Ah, that's got to be annoying.

Also, another thing. I've seen this in a past RP that I stalked (to make fun of, really.) It's just a "romance" RP and your two characters just randomly decide: "Hey, let's have sex." I get smut and all, it's a thing. But that combined with no plot and bad grammar/spelling is just- ugh.


Op characters. On another website, this dang person kept wanting to play this super op character who can somehow revive themself and has all these other op stuff. He wasn’t accepted. He played that character on another rp, and kept annoying people. Hell, he can even see someone who was FUCKING INVISIBLE.


Ah, that's got to be annoying.

Also, another thing. I've seen this in a past RP that I stalked (to make fun of, really.) It's just a "romance" RP and your two characters just randomly decide: "Hey, let's have sex." I get smut and all, it's a thing. But that combined with no plot and bad grammar/spelling is just- ugh.

Oh jeeze I loathe when people try to do that. Buildup to actual believable love would make it so much more pleasant to read.


hot take, but when people use the same character for every rp. i understand reusing characters once or twice, but that! character! doesn’t! fit! in! this! scenario!

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

When they make you do all the work when it comes to plot or carrying on a conversation. Like, if you're not into the rp anymore, just say so, and if you are still into it, prove it by actually. saying. something. that. forwards. the. story!!
Also when people keep asking if you're online, even if it's only been an hour since you last talked. Like, fam, if it's my turn and I'm not responding, I'm obviously either offline or too busy. It just strikes me as kind of needy behavior and it rly bugs me lol.