forum What happened to Star
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Deleted user

So, quick update, this will be my last post for awhile.
I am taking a break from notebook. This a personal decision, not influenced by my mom or anything else. I will hopefully be back in November. To anyone in a roleplay with me, I'm sorry. Hopefully we can pick it back up when I return.
(Whisper if you want to talk to me come September check the story document I shared with you last school year and we might be able to figure something out)
~ @Everwolf, @Starlight-Wolf (whichever one you know me by.)
(Also I'm deleting both accounts so I don't get tempted.)
(Please tag anyone else you know I have an RP with)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

@Carrots and @Otaku_Is_Anime_Trash and @Jacks347-Is-Having-Anxiety I'm Back!!! (It's Starry!! If you wanna maybe try and pick up our old roleplays? I'll be back on Monday!!)


Hey, starry! good to see you're back! we had a great rp reboot started a while back! It'd be great if we could continue it, let me know if you're up for it

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(Just a heads up, but after school, and weekends, are iffy timewise, unless I'm at my dads.
Monday through thursday I am only on during schol tho.