forum What happened to Star
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Deleted user

No they don't! But as to our original thread… any chance you could delete the friskyiness between them? (I already had my side deleted entirely… but could you do yours? Also I have to go soon…)

Deleted user

Yeah…. uhm…
It's probably worse on my side cause of the role Arthur took…
BUT that's not a topic for here, and I must go now!!

Deleted user

Also, I'm pretty sure you spelled reincarnation wrong XD

Deleted user

that's why when I searched it I couldn't find it because you spelled it wrong XD so I just searched up hearts and that's what came up XD

Deleted user

Hi Fenris!! If you could give me a link to the Rp we had I'd be happy to restart it with you!!

Deleted user

Hey @Carrots!! I know we had a couple together, I hope you'll be willing to keep them going?

Deleted user

Hey @Shuri-is-adopting-new-kidsss! I'd like to keep our stuff going too!!!


Hey @Carrots!! I know we had a couple together, I hope you'll be willing to keep them going?

I am ready to continue the gay boi's yes! Are we gonna keep one in pm like last time or two threads?

Deleted user

Hey @Carrots!! I know we had a couple together, I hope you'll be willing to keep them going?

I am ready to continue the gay boi's yes! Are we gonna keep one in pm like last time or two threads?

Two threads can be done, or we can move both to PM, idc at this point but I can't go back to the original threads…

Deleted user

Sounds good! (I honestly can't wait to continue with Skye and Ollie…

Deleted user

And Skye!! He's spent his entire childhood avoiding this!!

Deleted user

Hey @Fenris-has-some-violent-tendencies !! Are we going to keep ours going?
@CW_StarkSpangledBanner (I'm askin' you the same thing pal!)

Deleted user

I think we only had the Reincarnated Hatred one….
But things have been hectic lately so there could be more…