forum What Do You Wish You Looked Like?
Started by Deleted user
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Ooh this is going to be a nightmare for my self-esteem. Here goes…

I kinda wish that I was a little more athletic/physically fit, so that I could dance better, and wouldn't feel so guilty about being just about not being able to do more than three pushups. I also wish my body was a little more feminine, just to spite those boys in middle school who told me nobody would ever love me because I was 'shaped like a cereal box, come on now Bat, you're a literal newspaper, who would like that?' I'm still mad about that, sue me.

Facial-features wise, I've always been insecure about the shape/structure of my face, so I wish my nose was smaller and more button-like, and that my cheeks weren't so round. For some reason, at my school I've always been stereotyped as 'the innocent one' and the typical awkward nerdy girl who's actually completely clueless, and it actually kind of irritates me because I'm not innocent, I do notice when people make fun of me, but I'm just forced to play along. Maybe if I looked prettier people would start taking me seriously for once…

You know those boys you spoke of? Kill them and eat their hearts. You're enemies have no power over you. You may not have the Hollywood standard of looking like a female but that doesn't mean you are less of one. It doesn't mean that you are not strong. Pin those boys to the ground with a sharp as fuck stiletto and tell them to perish like the dirt they are. Love yourself first, darlin.
Let the people that don't understand you, underestimate you. Let them think what they will because when you dominate over them with your not so small killer nose and your adorbs cheeks, they will never see it coming and you will be one hell of a queen. You can't change what people will think of you, but you know yourself and you can change the way you think of yourself. Think highly of yourself and you will destroy the world.

Wow. Okay. Okay. Okay. Wow. That was awesome. Wow. Wow. Wow. I LOVED that. Wowowowowow.

That was awesome. You're awesome!!! Thank you so so much!!! This is now in my feel-good-about-yourself-Bat folder on my desktop. I'm definitely gonna keep this is my mind at school from now on. You're a fabulous human being. Fabulous!!!

Deleted user

Good! No one deserves to feel badly about themselves.

Remember the love of your life should always be, first and foremost: yourself.


sometimes i wish I had different colored hair

and that color is?

Dunno. Copper, or blue, or pink sometimes

Do it. Copper is a fun color to play with. Blue fades really cool. Pink is cute.

I would, but a) I hate asking my parents for things like that and b) I don't have money (and I just got my hair cut, so it'd make me sound really spoiled)

@HighPockets group

I wish I was a bit taller, and that my face was less chubby. Also that I'd be able to pull off a Sabine Wren haircut, with the purple tips and everything. Also some freckles would be cute!

rock them heels! rock them cheeks!
Get the frakking hair up and color broski. You can do it. You will rock it no matter what anyone else says because you will like it on you. Dress to impress yourself. (see above for freckle advise)

Aw thanks Eris!
I don't think I'll try heels, they scare me, but I might try the dye this summer….


If I could change how I look, I'd probably be a bit more masculine, with a flatter chest. I'd be much taller, I'd be way thinner, I would get a different haircut and I would dress differently.

Deleted user

Fer me, I wouldn't change much. I would fix the various poots of fat along my arms and legs. A bob cut, but something im able to work with because I'm very interested in cross-dressing to stop old men from staring me down (or maybe im Gender-fluid, ill never know). I like my curvy body for when I feel feminine, but maybe shrink my waist and chest span more. Or fix the issues with my breasts to combat the wide chest problem. I'd like to have paler skin…. but I'm already pretty pale. I like my height, 5'5, but I don't since im constantly shoved around by older and taller boys (endmyfuckinglife.jpg).
Most of these can be fixed within months…. if I can get my shit together.

Deleted user

OoOHH this could be fun…
I wish I looked more confident, both in demeanor and you know, style. I want to be able to wear bold, colorful clothes and pull it off. I wish I looked more like a fun, outgoing person instead of a sad little kiddo with little to no social skills. I wish my hair was longer, I wish I was a little more athletic, I want to have a few tattoos and peircings and dye my hair at some point. I wish I looked a bit happier, you know?


ahh this thread speaks to me

I'd give myself less poofy hair and more organized ringlets (I don't have super curly hair or anything, mine is wavy, just falls into randomized, loose ringlets near the bottom if that makes sense
And I'd love turquoise-blue dyed tips
Also, freckles. Everywhere. Please, lord, give me freckles.
And being taller and curvier would be great lmao. And less thick eyebrows. A smaller nose. More pronounced dimples. D r a g o n w i n g s !


I wish I wasn't so skinny so that my family might finally cut it out with the "you need to eat more look at you you're all bones" as if I do not already eat as much as physically possible. Also I wish my hair were darker, I dye it but it lightens back up in the sun. The coloration of my face does not go with blonde hair. Also why the hell do I even HAVE blonde hair. I'm the only one in my family. Where did that allele even come from??? We're Native Mexican for God's sake.
Also my nose, while very "regal looking" from the front as my grandmother says, does not like being seen from profile, so I'd probably just make it smaller. Other than that I'm happy with how I look.


I'm going to add that I wish my body was more athletic and flexible, partly so I could be better at gymnastics and also do the PACER test without dying. I wish my nose was smaller, and that my face wasn't square-shaped. I wish that my chest wasn't lopsided (I hate that so much omfg) and that it was smaller than it is now.

while I'm at it, I really really wish I could fly, but not have to have wings.



Deleted user

Girls can all agree that boobs are a useless body part that we all hate.


I like the idea of having actual curves on my chest, but then I look down at the (albeit small) useless globs of fat that hurt like fuck and require a bra to be worn all day and hhhhhhh no

Deleted user

pft as soon as I save up enough money I'm getting them reduced to mosquito bites. Big boobs are a hassle no one needs.



I can think of three possible reasons:

1: Boys are dumb
2: Boys want to watch us suffer
3: They remind boys of themselves, useless blobs of fat that do nothing but inconvenience us

(Note: this is a joke, please don't get offended, boys are actually useful sometimes. Usually only when it comes to killing creepy spooders, but that's still useful)



I can think of three possible reasons:

1: Boys are dumb
2: Boys want to watch us suffer
3: They remind boys of themselves, useless blobs of fat that do nothing but inconvenience us

(Note: this is a joke, please don't get offended, boys are actually useful sometimes. Usually only when it comes to killing creepy spooders, but that's still useful)



lmao my friend deadass walked up to me in class after the guy she was in love with asked her other friend out on a date and said 'boys suck. I'm going to be a lesbian now." and honestly, what a mood

(sorry guys– I still love you all!)