forum What Do You Wish You Looked Like?
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Deleted user

This can literally be anything. If you want a tail, have a tail!
I'm booooooooooooooored

But mostly curious!

Deleted user

Well, I wish I had hair dyed olive green, shaved in the back but with enough hair to cover my face. I like my skin but I wish I had more freckles. I wish I was taller and was less chubby, I wish I had a more masculine body, I wish I had muscles…

Deleted user

Cuuuuute. And good news: a lot of those are easy to obtain! :) Even the freckles.

Deleted user

sometimes i wish I had different colored hair

and that color is?

Deleted user

Cuuuuute. And good news: a lot of those are easy to obtain! :) Even the freckles.

Meh, my bone structure is absulote crap and I will never give that emo feel with just my looks, everyone always says that they thik I wear pastels!

Deleted user

sometimes i wish I had different colored hair

and that color is?

Dunno. Copper, or blue, or pink sometimes

Do it. Copper is a fun color to play with. Blue fades really cool. Pink is cute.

@The-Magician group

I wish that I did not have breasts, plain and simple. I wish that I was taller, at least 5'9, and that I was athletic. I like my hair colour but I'd prefer it to be short back and sides but the top long enough to go down over my right eye. I kind of wish that my skin was paler than it already is, and that I didn't have any freckles or scars on my face.

Deleted user

Cuuuuute. And good news: a lot of those are easy to obtain! :) Even the freckles.

Meh, my bone structure is absulote crap and I will never give that emo feel with just my looks, everyone always says that they thik I wear pastels!

Not with that attitude will you ever assume your final form. Sometimes you just have to do it.

Deleted user

I wish that I did not have breasts, plain and simple. I wish that I was taller, at least 5'9, and that I was athletic. I like my hair colour but I'd prefer it to be short back and sides but the top long enough to go down over my right eye. I kind of wish that my skin was paler than it already is, and that I didn't have any freckles or scars on my face.

Breasts are certainly a pain (glares at mine) have you considered surgery to reduce/ remove them?
CUT YO HAIR! That's literally that easiest one. If you hate it just grow it out again.
Stay out of the sun for a bit. Hermit yourself. :D That's how I got pale skin despite being hella latina.
Freckles are adorable. Scars are battle marks. Wear both with pride, child of Thor.

@The-Magician group

I wish that I did not have breasts, plain and simple. I wish that I was taller, at least 5'9, and that I was athletic. I like my hair colour but I'd prefer it to be short back and sides but the top long enough to go down over my right eye. I kind of wish that my skin was paler than it already is, and that I didn't have any freckles or scars on my face.

Breasts are certainly a pain (glares at mine) have you considered surgery to reduce/ remove them?
CUT YO HAIR! That's literally that easiest one. If you hate it just grow it out again.
Stay out of the sun for a bit. Hermit yourself. :D That's how I got pale skin despite being hella latina.
Freckles are adorable. Scars are battle marks. Wear both with pride, child of Thor.

The surgery is something I have considered, though due to my family's views on that kind of thing i don't think it will be happening any time soon. And unfortunately I will have to wait until July to be able to get my hair cut again..
I will take that last line as advice, thank you, FaeEris

Deleted user

I wish that I did not have breasts, plain and simple. I wish that I was taller, at least 5'9, and that I was athletic. I like my hair colour but I'd prefer it to be short back and sides but the top long enough to go down over my right eye. I kind of wish that my skin was paler than it already is, and that I didn't have any freckles or scars on my face.

Breasts are certainly a pain (glares at mine) have you considered surgery to reduce/ remove them?
CUT YO HAIR! That's literally that easiest one. If you hate it just grow it out again.
Stay out of the sun for a bit. Hermit yourself. :D That's how I got pale skin despite being hella latina.
Freckles are adorable. Scars are battle marks. Wear both with pride, child of Thor.

The surgery is something I have considered, though due to my family's views on that kind of thing i don't think it will be happening any time soon. And unfortunately I will have to wait until July to be able to get my hair cut again..
I will take that last line as advice, thank you, FaeEris

It's all advice! :)
I'm sorry your family would be against surgery. That is unfair to you, but I do hope that you get the opportunity one day to truly consider it.
Ahhhhh– That's not too long. When you cut it make sure it looks hot as hell!


Ooh this is going to be a nightmare for my self-esteem. Here goes…

I kinda wish that I was a little more athletic/physically fit, so that I could dance better, and wouldn't feel so guilty about being just about not being able to do more than three pushups. I also wish my body was a little more feminine, just to spite those boys in middle school who told me nobody would ever love me because I was 'shaped like a cereal box, come on now Bat, you're a literal newspaper, who would like that?' I'm still mad about that, sue me.

Facial-features wise, I've always been insecure about the shape/structure of my face, so I wish my nose was smaller and more button-like, and that my cheeks weren't so round. For some reason, at my school I've always been stereotyped as 'the innocent one' and the typical awkward nerdy girl who's actually completely clueless, and it actually kind of irritates me because I'm not innocent, I do notice when people make fun of me, but I'm just forced to play along. Maybe if I looked prettier people would start taking me seriously for once…

@HighPockets group

I wish I was a bit taller, and that my face was less chubby. Also that I'd be able to pull off a Sabine Wren haircut, with the purple tips and everything. Also some freckles would be cute!

Deleted user

Ooh this is going to be a nightmare for my self-esteem. Here goes…

I kinda wish that I was a little more athletic/physically fit, so that I could dance better, and wouldn't feel so guilty about being just about not being able to do more than three pushups. I also wish my body was a little more feminine, just to spite those boys in middle school who told me nobody would ever love me because I was 'shaped like a cereal box, come on now Bat, you're a literal newspaper, who would like that?' I'm still mad about that, sue me.

Facial-features wise, I've always been insecure about the shape/structure of my face, so I wish my nose was smaller and more button-like, and that my cheeks weren't so round. For some reason, at my school I've always been stereotyped as 'the innocent one' and the typical awkward nerdy girl who's actually completely clueless, and it actually kind of irritates me because I'm not innocent, I do notice when people make fun of me, but I'm just forced to play along. Maybe if I looked prettier people would start taking me seriously for once…

You know those boys you spoke of? Kill them and eat their hearts. You're enemies have no power over you. You may not have the Hollywood standard of looking like a female but that doesn't mean you are less of one. It doesn't mean that you are not strong. Pin those boys to the ground with a sharp as fuck stiletto and tell them to perish like the dirt they are. Love yourself first, darlin.
Let the people that don't understand you, underestimate you. Let them think what they will because when you dominate over them with your not so small killer nose and your adorbs cheeks, they will never see it coming and you will be one hell of a queen. You can't change what people will think of you, but you know yourself and you can change the way you think of yourself. Think highly of yourself and you will destroy the world.

Deleted user

How do I get freckles without changing my skin tone, Regina?

1- Sometimes you just gotta deal with the sun.
2- Tattoos/make up


I'm pretty happy with what I look like but:

I kinda wish I was flatter. I know most people probably think I'm crazy for thinking that, but they don't understand what a pain it is to dress modestly and still look good with balls of Jell-O attached to your chest with duct tape (That's the first thing that came to mind, don't judge).

I kinda wish my hair was blonde and curly, it might not fit the "NutElla" theme but it would look adorable on me.

I also wouldn't mind having larger eyes and a less round face, but those don't bug me too much.

Pinkish-purple eyes, enough said.

Maybe a little slimmer but honestly I don't care that much about it



I really wish I was taller so I can one-up my sister

…That's all I can think of

Deleted user

I wish I was a bit taller, and that my face was less chubby. Also that I'd be able to pull off a Sabine Wren haircut, with the purple tips and everything. Also some freckles would be cute!

rock them heels! rock them cheeks!
Get the frakking hair up and color broski. You can do it. You will rock it no matter what anyone else says because you will like it on you. Dress to impress yourself. (see above for freckle advise)

Deleted user

How do I get freckles without changing my skin tone, Regina?

1- Sometimes you just gotta deal with the sun.
2- Tattoos/make up

Look up what Regina means in italain~

Deleted user

It does? Damn it…. I only know a few words.
Damn it.
There goes my idea of calling you a queen in Italain…

Deleted user

:D lol it was sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

But Eris knows many languages.