forum What Do Y'all Look Like??
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 68 followers

Deleted user

I'm really ugly. Don't wanna cause anyone harm.

Human, I am probably uglier then everyone on this website combined.

@Becfromthedead group

Ahhh cute!
And look, none of y'all are ugly. It's all in perception, and when the standard and the "norm" is to have clear skin, a full face of makeup, and a perfect figure, it's hard to view yourself otherwise. But all of you. And I mean all of you are gorgeous, unique human beings.

Deleted user

I'm really ugly. Don't wanna cause anyone harm.

no you're not

i know one ugly human

wait no i dont

It’s me. The ugly human.

Deleted user

You guys will never see my face unless you meet me. Emi can give you a discription of my face though.

Deleted user

I don’t like my face. I think I’m one of the ugliest people on the planet even though other people think differently.

Deleted user

I can't even put pictures of me when I was younger because I haven't aged.

I only got an uglier face as I aged. I looked more and more depressed as I went on.