forum What Do Y'all Look Like??
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

I'm here

pretty much. me too Qxeen

Yayyyyyy, I'm not lonely. I'm just gonna go into a corner and read, baiii

Deleted user

I'm here

pretty much. me too Qxeen

Yayyyyyy, I'm not lonely. I'm just gonna go into a corner and read, baiii

i’m making pizza rolls you want some?

Deleted user

I'm here

pretty much. me too Qxeen

Yayyyyyy, I'm not lonely. I'm just gonna go into a corner and read, baiii

i’m making pizza rolls you want some?

yes pls, and can I have just cheese? I can't have pepperoni


I should do this but how do I describe myself uHHHHHhHh
I have darkish brown hair that goes just past my shoulders, I straighten it pretty often because it's just wild with curls and frizz in its natural state. It goes everywhere whenever I brush it and I'm pretty sure it hates me. My eyes are a weird, unidentifiable greenish hazel color. I'm v smol at around 5'2 and at 92 pounds the last time I stepped onto a scale (that was before I ate a ton of food on vacation, though; I eat a l o t). I'm almost always wearing my glasses (kinda dark blue-purpleish plastic frames), a turquoise watch, and Panic! At the Disco wristbands. I've been battling with acne for too long and I think of myself as looking pretty plain most of the time - I rarely take good pictures.
uh this is awful i'm sorry

Deleted user

Meee? Thanks! :))

I swear I smile but when I take pictures my eyes get super squinty when I do smile cause of my puffy face so I generally avoid smiling

@HighPockets group

I'm not very tall, about 5'3". Oval-ish face, light skin. Not uber white but not tanned. Deep-ish set eyes, medium brown with long lashes. Front two teeth are a bit bigger than the rest, bottom two are a bit crooked but not enough to warrant braces. Medium-dark brown hair that's a bit longer than shoulder length, wavy. Also usually in a ponytail. I have rectangular glasses with black/turquoise frames. Usually my resting expression is either disappointed or smirking. I've been told I have very expressive eyebrows. I'm broad shouldered and stocky, fairly heavy but I've lost weight recently. Big thighs. Short fingernails from nail biting and very feminine hands. Some minor scarring on the soles of my feet.


Geez I have glasses am 4’10 small like everywhere and light brown curly hair with natural blond highlights and I’m thin only 94 pounds I think never made it over 100 in my 13 years of living.

For some reason I want to protecc u…

You may if you wish I have like no stamina at all and no muscle in my upper body I have some in my legs but like I said no stamina so there usless lol

yes this one is v worthy of protection

Sometimes I swear I will hit you when I see you..


I’m 5’3” light blonde hair (bleached but it’s expensive, so), short (asymmetrical), curly/wavy. I’m white. A woman. Curvy. Very, curvy. Really pretty. I’m a pretty person.

Cool! If you have a picture could you show us you don’t have to I just think you’d be even prettier If we saw you for real! Once again you don’t have to!


I don't have a picture of me right now, might post one later.
I'm not very attractive, I have light brown hair with blond highlights, it's shaved on one side, and undercut in the other. When I do it I either slick it back with gel or clip it back with flower clips cause I can. Kind of an oval face, with thinnish lips and a sort of round nose (which I think is huge, but everyone tells me is fine) I have freckles on my cheeks and nose. I'm about 5'4, I always wear some sort of jacket (usually my leather one) and dark colours. My eyes are honey brown with flecks of honey gold, and a dark bluish gray ring around the edges. Sorry, I kinda jumped all over the place lol