forum Whaaaat's Gibby Thinkin' About?
Started by @Pickles group

people_alt 122 followers


Thinking about making a kill team for Warhammer and crying about how expensive it's gonna be. I can afford it technically, but I also wanna buy a high-end PC so it will last for at least a few years.

@Pickles group

And apparently this needs to be added, don't post anything that could start a fight. This isn't the chat for your weird and gross political opinions.

An update to the rules, because apparently "don't post anything triggering without spoiler tagging it" doesn't cover "we should let people die of covid".

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, no, that's really insensitive.
Especially because those who are dying are disproportionately elderly, disabled, people of color, and other minorities who already suffer. So calling it population control is inherently racist, ableist, and just all around a really shitty thing to say.
Even without those factors, treating humans as part of a population to be culled is awful. I can guarantee you wouldn't be treating it so lightly if it was you or your loved ones dying.
Just a note for the future, trying to sound edgy isn't as cool as you think it is.