forum Whaaaat's Gibby Thinkin' About?
Started by @Pickles group

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@Pickles group

I'm rewatching one of the only episodes I remember and it's pure gold, why did this show end thinking about drawing them as humans

@Pickles group

Tyrone has a mullet and no one can change my mind

only if it's dyed a painful to look at color-

oh it's absolutely the same shade of orange


Ok backyardigans songs rocked, but I have absolutely no memory of the show ever existing. It's like a reverse mandela effect for me. My parents said I watched it, my sister loved it, most people around me my age remember it, but I didn't know it existed until like a year or two ago when my sister brought it up in a convo about favorite kids' shows. Everytime I look it up or hear the songs I keep thinking something will jog my memory, but no. It's completely foreign to me even though it shouldn't be. It bothers me 😑

@Pickles group

The whole CreepShow drama is really doing a number on my mental health but I am immensely enjoying watching her subs and the likes on her community post go down and reading all the new comments expressing their intense disgust

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

The whole CreepShow drama is really doing a number on my mental health but I am immensely enjoying watching her subs and the likes on her community post go down and reading all the new comments expressing their intense disgust

Dude Youtube drama does me so in. I remember the Eboys drama had me in tears and Carson fucking wrecked me. Every time MCYT gets attacked i feel sick like its only a matter of time before something really bad happens like wit carson