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Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Oh the geckos, those creatures. I'll talk to them, they listen to me.

Deleted user

Calling in
The creativity blockers came to me in my sleep. I slept with the window open.

Deleted user

Ah, I see you're from my previous thread, thought it got wiped…
Spotify, use spotify and make a character based on a song.

@GameMaster group

Calls in
I've finally made it to Off-Topic although there seems to be some kind of celebration happening. They are chanting something about mystery tubes.


Calling in
Hello! If, hypothetically, I could give people powers, what would you guys want the power to do or be?
I definitely can't give people powers and I definitely don't have powers and the police are obviously not hunting me down and I'm not weird okay I'm gonna stop giving myself away BACK TO THE QUESTION What powers would you guys want? (Please don't call the police on me they're already trying to track me down) I MEAN WHAT

Deleted user

Oh hello, definitely not teleportation so I can commit crimes, deff not that.


I definitely don't have the power to create things out of thin air, so I definitely can't give you guys powers if you wanted them, and I definitely did not kill someone using my powers IT WASN'T MY FAULT OKAY and the police are obviously not after me but @UnseelieKing if you see a white van that may or may not be mine and you may or may not get powers. :) ….. End call

@GameMaster group

Calls in
I've done something horribly wrong. I somehow lost my way at Off-Topic and I ran into Fandom World. It's madness here. SuperWhoLock is in flames. Merlin in dead. Anime is in anarchy. Hetalia and Steven's Universe are actually doing fine. I may never escape.

Screaming cinnamon roll

Calls in
I've done something horribly wrong. I somehow lost my way at Off-Topic and I ran into Fandom World. It's madness here. SuperWhoLock is in flames. Merlin in dead. Anime is in anarchy. Hetalia and Steven's Universe are actually doing fine. I may never escape.

Climbs through window
Make sure you don't go near the undertale fandom. Once you see the sans shipping there's no turning back.

hey can I have some help here, I think I'm stuck in the window.


Calls in
So… is it just me or are serial killers cool? I mean, most of them are geniuses. I was talking about this one serial killer who killed over 600 people, and this random person stares at me like I'm crazy. Serial killers are cool though, and they're interesting to research. And there was this one guy who was a genius and he made a Murder Castle trapdoors and a whole bunch of rooms that kill people and it was super cool and now I'm on a tangent so I'll stop. But are serial killers cool or what?