forum Welcome To The Nightvale Of Notebook
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Deleted user

Hello viewers, it is me, your host.

Today, the music chat got hit by a hair iron, so it'll be out of commission for a bit.

Please call in, make sure your socks have a hole for your toe.

And welcome, to Notebook.

Deleted user

(Hi yes, I adore this so much. Is this a roleplay or just a WTNV discussion or…????)

Deleted user

(Okay. so a sort of rp. Awesome. I'll stalk this chat till i know what to do. Also the one rp i used your prompt in, the user left notebook…but there may be a few more. Idk.)

Deleted user

Calling in
Hello, I find it peculiar how andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) is always there. Does he have some kind power just knowing he's needed? Or is he always just watching?

Oh, he's always watching. He was given power by the demons nestled deep in his writing, I think he sold about half his soul for it.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Calling in
Hello, I find it peculiar how andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) is always there. Does he have some kind power just knowing he's needed? Or is he always just watching?

Oh, he's always watching. He was given power by the demons nestled deep in his writing, I think he sold about half his soul for it.

Ah if one were to sell half their soul would they have that demonic writing power? Also, my window is open and I hear demonic screeching, should I presume its my neighbour the weasel?

Deleted user

I'd say set out some catnip, just in case, but perhaps.
Also, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) was born with power but the demons added it, I think

Deleted user

Mayhaps, you never know.
I don't have the clearance to give that away

Deleted user

Alrighty, goodbye caller! I hope you don't die, give your plants my best wishes, than slap them.

Deleted user

Hello Listener! It depends on the breed, what breed does your friend have?

Deleted user

Ah yes, calicos get horns. Play some circus music then set him on the coffee table with some apple juice.

Deleted user

Punch the youngest. Tell them the oldest did it, they'll turn on each other and buy you some time.

@GameMaster group

Calls in Good Evening, I fear I'm a bit lost. Where can I find character development tips? I turned left at General Chat and ended up in Genre Lounges. I turned right and I think I'm somewhere in Roleplaying. Where should I go from here?

Deleted user

Sorry bud, you're lost forever, please don't disturb the butterflies, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) makes sure they stay in one place.