forum Welcome To Notebook (Vale) (How Do I Say Welcome To Nightvale, But With Notebook?)
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

It was last night. I don't have contact with them for another day…

Deleted user

…Oh no.
They need to be sent into the security zone. Now. Before they can be sucked.

Deleted user

They've been abducted. Their brain is now non-existent.

Deleted user

Such a shame, I shall tell the demons that we need to mourn. Anyhow, do not consume any egg products, they have been turned into writhering maggots.

Deleted user

Thank you for the warning, dear Logan. I must go check the eggs I just bought.

Deleted user

Okay dear listener, I will be hanging up now. Me and a writing block demon are making brownies in a few minutes.


Calling in
I hear that andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) is raising the Premium prices to pay for the removal of the invisible butterflies that sometimes cover the screens. Is that normal?

Deleted user

Oh! Yes, it is. Ah shoot, I got blood from my desk and my hands on my laptop. Wait a moment.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Calling in
In response to the last caller, can we please, please, please not mention the invisible butterflies? I'm pretty sure they know when we talk about them and I hate when they swarm in response. I don't know what about talking about them seems to conjure them up or lure them closer, but I've had my fair share of butterfly smothering for the week.


Calling in

I tried to run away from Notevale for the safety of the neighboring rival town of, but the forums were a desert and the server connection had a personal vendetta against writers who breath and intend to use the internet, so I have returned, exhausted and forlorn, to whence I came.

Deleted user


Oh dear listener, I know. I'm one of the lucky few who can go to another writing site and not be taken down by the demons. I sold my soul for it, bbut it's fine.

Deleted user

Hello dear readers!
I have arrived yet again.
As usual, please refrain from looking at the glowing eyes that haunt the forums and remember, the music forum does not exist.
Do not, and I repeat, do not talk to the sludge monster on the rudeness chat.

Deleted user


Of course, tell him he still owes me thirty dollars, he lost a game of poker to me.


Yeah I’ll tell him. I think he’s underneath my bed right now and hidden in the carpet. I can’t seem to find him.

Deleted user

Perfect! He can't weasel his way out of this one!

Deleted user

I'm going to take a bit of time out of our usual broadcasting time to talk about Fair Emily, I haven't seen her in a few days, but when I last saw her we listened to Heathers for about an hour and fangirled over a new musical. Did you know her hair glistens in the sunlight of our theatre window, it's magical.