forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


Wow, you guys have stories behind your usernames. I literally only have one project. ._.


I've only ever had my Damaged Designs project. No side stories. No different worlds. Just this one three stage story I'm planning. Unless you can count my irl friends and I linking our worlds together or the alternate timelines that show briefly as other projects.


Idk man it's just like when someone will call someone by all of their nicknames like: Michael, cinnamon roll, muffin, love of my life, what the fuck


My mind: Constantly rethinking plot and trying to figure out what the order of events should be. Making sure no one breaks my boundaries or I snap. A few random happy things like a flower field. Oh, I almost forgot, constantly criticizing my work while I draw or write.


Curiosity killed that cat, can we really guarantee satisfaction brought it back?

Deleted user

My mind currently: "I did good today, didn't kill anyone. I deserve a jam tart"


Then have a jam tart, and remind yourself that it's good to not kill others. XD