forum Weird teeth gang rise up
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

Yo so who else here has had problems with their teeth? be it minor, major, plenty or few?

I have localized microdontia (meaning a few of my adult teeth are smaller than they should be) I'm missing three or four of my adult teeth (they were never there, so no, i didn't lose them), my baby teeth had abnormally long roots so nearly all of them had to be pulled; plus the ones that didn't refused to fall out; I had a horrible tooth extraction so now I'm waiting for tooth shards to come out of my mouth (that was over a year ago), I'm missing one wisdom tooth (which is a good thing, one less tooth to worry about). When I was losing my first baby teeth my classmates were losing their last few ones.

In the past I've had three tooth infections on baby teeth, all of which needed to be pulled out. I've got a broken tooth in need of filling (its a baby tooth but we want to keep that one in because theres no adult tooth under it), around november last year I broke two adult teeth in half (dont fall down the stairs)

In the future I look towards getting rid of my remaining baby teeth, wisdom teeth, tooth shards, and getting tooth implants; and finally braces.

I can also be your helpline for tooth related problems (I'm not a professional so you SHOULD get a dentist if you do suspect something) but if you have something you're worried about Mojack's been through it all so tell me what's bothering you and I'll see if I know anything about it.

But anyway I want to know if I'm not alone for tooth-related problems.


All I really remember is my mother telling me to forgo any root canals and just get an implant. Or was it crowns? She worked as a dental assistant at Strauman when she was younger, and she said something about going straight to implants instead of either of the two above procedures as it was expensive and only delayed the inevitable.


eeeey I've been in orthodontic treatment since 2011

I found out last year that the previous 7 years were basically pointless because my jaw is inherently out of shape :) and somehow none of the 4-5 different orthodontists I saw during that time felt it was appropriate to let me know :)
so in the next few years I'll have to get surgery :) where they break my jaw :) and set it in place properly :)
until then I'm stuck in braces :)

I'm not bitter about this at all :)

@Mojack group

Teeth :)

They’re so important and yet they can get messed up pretty quickly, be it not taking care of them, genetics, or random conditions that decided to skip everyone else in your family but they land on you instead

Implants, I know I’ll need at least two of them so that my mouth fills in in terms of space.

I had a tooth extracted recently and it’s hard to clean my teeth because I don’t want to swish water in my mouth too hard (I don’t want the blood clot to go away too early. I’ve never had dry socket but I’d rather not start now)

I don’t see myself getting that sort of major surgery, the only thing I do see me getting is maybe tooth shards removed and more than likely wisdom teeth. I already feel on my gums I don’t have enough room for wisdom teeth, so even though it’ll be a few years before they come in I’m looking forwards to visiting pain city

I’m waiting for all of the teeth that need to come out before I do any implants, then after the implants it’s braces time. At first I was really like “aw man, braces..” but I realize there’s a lot of popcorn alternatives for the movies and it’s not forever. Pros outweigh the cons, and I have messed up teeth so braces are sort of needed for me.

What was unfortunate the day I broke my teeth I had a dentist appointment that same get the tooth I just had extracted removed. So that tooth was delayed for almost a year and I think I had crowns put in? The teeth weren’t broken all the way, I just remember the dentist put a temporary filling on because nerves were exposed and I was on liquid diet for a few days before returning to build back up my teeth.

Now they look normal and almost feel normal, unless I eat ice cream then it feels a bit weird but that’s normal; generally after hard trauma to the mouth those things feel weird but the mouth is trying to heal. Just takes a few years. Which is a long but eh. I’ve had teeth problems for 10+ years, I can handle that.