forum Weird and embarrassing moments
Started by @yeetus

people_alt 7 followers


I can't judge what I don't know 😂Or is this a forum game for us to share our weird and embarrassing moments? If so I'm all in!


I was at this air show thing when I was about 8 or 9 and there was a free climbing wall tower. On the tower three of the sides were the free climbing and on the one other side there was this can you climb to the top and grab the money in a certain amount of time that you had to pay for. There were probably about 7 to 10 kids in front of me in and they were all talking about who’s going to get the money. At the time no one knew that you had to pay to try to get the money, and they all wanted the spot next to the money. When my turn came to climb I got the spot next to the money and I thought maybe I really can grab the money. So when I climbed to the top I tried to grab the money unknowingly ignoring the whistle to tell me my time was up. I almost had it when my brother caught my attention telling me my time was up. When I got down all the workers were looking at me funny, but I was to upset that I didn’t grab the money, when one of the workers talked to me telling me I had to pay to try to get the money. All the kids I was in line looked at me and were glad they weren’t where I was. I also lost my shoe that day, never got it back…


School. sex ed
They were labelling the diagrams. The freaking diagrams. The teacher asked for an answer. I whispered, quite loudly, "Potato." Of course, everyone heard. Good thing is one of my friend said something even more embarrassing so everyone forgot what I'd said

@HighPockets group

This is a weird example because it's something only embarrassing to me. I had just gotten back from a 5 day mission trip, and went to a concert in a local park. I got bored quickly, so I grabbed my headphones and got onto the swingset and just started singing lyrics to broadway songs. I actually have a pretty good voice (so modest, I know) and I skipped over any songs with language, etc. Then these four kids, probably 7th graders, come up to me and ask if they can use the swing. I politely say no, and that there's some down in another part of the park. Then the head girl starts whining and I hold my ground. Then she whispers something to her friends that I can't hear because of my headphones, and they all laugh. Now, I am a very stand-up person, and if a person is making fun of me, I usually make fun of them right back. But this time, I felt a gut instinct that I should ignore it and turn the other cheek. They got louder, and so I told the head girl that no, nothing she was saying could change my mind, and I passively-aggressively said kid. She took offense to that, and keep talking about me, even purposely stopping in front of my swing so I'd run into her. At this point, the kid's little sister said she was being mean, and the kid laughed it off. I decided, if she's so insecure she'll make fun of a kid she barely knows, let her have the freaking swing and I left. Looking back, I wish I had stood up for myself sooner or just left right away.


Weird and embarrassing: I was dealing with some things and had insomnia, so I got up at 4 am and wrote a very messy, sobby, whiny, and badly spelt email to my friend in a different timezone.
I always have a bunch of tabs open at the top of my inbox, tabs of emails that I haven't responded to yet. I typed out the email in my word processor, opened the tab with the conversation between my friend and I, pasted in my email and hit reply.
As it turns out, my stupid foggy 4 am brain opened the wrong tab and sent this 5 page long atrocity to my schools' guidance counselor instead. She'd been sending me links to potential universities which I had kept open so I could go through each one and evaluate.
…. So I had some very awkward conversations the next day