forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 63 followers

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I mean, I do it.
I just turn on some songs so

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what the how the actual feck

Gotta go fast


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I shower with the lights on, window usually slightly open. 20 minutes tops, because I don't have much hair. and I am a certified Speed Shaver.


I claim the Abed Nadir esque meta character who gets caught up in their own fantasies/delusions, socializes in a weird way, but in the end cares about the group a lot.


I guess if I really want to treat myself, I'll have a candle burning with the lights off as I use up all of the hot water. This only really happens when I'm home alone though.


My mom still makes jokes about how she’s never gonna teach me how to shave cause then my showers will never end…

I learned three years ago
She hasn’t noticed


You know, the first time I tried to shave, I naturally never asked for help
So I ended up slicing my knee open on accident, panicking, and immediately getting out of the shower
Without shaving the other 3/4 of my legs
Pretty excitingggg

@Pickles group

Am I the only one with a lick of common sense and didn't cut myself horribly? I didn't do a great job but to be fair I still don't


I didn’t cut my leg open until the third try and i surprisingly haven’t since
There was one incident with my arm but it wasn’t anything big so I don’t really count it


Like, I just tried to shave my knee while it was bent
I don't think I didn't have common sense, I just didn't know that was the wrong way to do it

Deleted user

Why did y'all's parents not teach you lmao?
Am I the only one whose mom pulled them into the bathroom in seventh grade and taught?


Because I didn't a s k
I don't like asking for help, and I never have
And I was like "Pfft I just gotta slide this here blade along my laeg and like it'll be fine it's not that hard"
And it's not that hard, but I didn't know I shouldn't bend my knee

@Pickles group

I read a book in which the girl tried to shave and learned from that. My parents gave me an electric one but it's terrible and I hate it. So now I have the plastic ones from the dollar store (they're also bad but I hate them less)


I've got one of those fancy ones that is mega thicc and has the soap like, attached to it
So I don't need to use shaving cream (I do know how to use a normal razor tho)


I mean yeah she taught me, but we both have pretty sensitive skin, so she also taught me how to use Nair.

I use neither now. I don't really care to shave or use Nair unless I absolutely have to. Like my hair on my head may be brown, but my leg and arm hair are blonde, so shaving is pretty optional.