forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 63 followers

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Oh worm
I've suddenly forgotten how to speak english

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I claim the role of Exhausted Adult(TM)

pretty much Aizawa/Kakashi type character. Instead of sleeping bags and porn its Martinis and Witchcraft

@The-Magician group

I claim the role of Mysterious Parent™️

You know, that one who is never home yet always knows what’s going on within the house. The one who somehow always has money even though no one knows where it’s from.

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I’m the mom friend/actual mom, as I always am

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I claim the role of Exhausted Adult(TM)

pretty much Aizawa/Kakashi type character. Instead of sleeping bags and porn its Martinis and Witchcraft

adding onto this–

Exhausted Adult That Also May Be A Vigilante Serial Killer(TM)

Because I shower in the dark and Pickles says its mad weird, but I kill for justice.

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Door open + in the dark + listening to loud demon summoning music + at 2 am

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idk about you people but i fucking shower normally

door closed + lights on - a good taste in music + cold wash of water= shower


I don’t usually play music out loud while I shower but that’s just cause I share a house with 8 extremely judgmental humans and I’m weak

Instead I sing
Which is like 1000x worse

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I have no idea how long my showers are, I play some music and I stay in for like, two or three songs


i'll be the broke artist who just eats food and hugs people while complaining about how everyone's always better than me

I'll be the broke artist who doesn't eat food or hug people but still complain about how everyone's always better than me


I shower for like 30 minutes max I'd say
And that's usually just because I'm shaving
If I'm not shaving it's shorter