forum Vent but in Old Timey Speak {Just Click, Sk8r Boi}
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@Moxie group

What dreadful situation hath wrought upon us? That we are to be attacked by a very villain that was not the cause of neglect. Not cause of choler. Not cause of wrath or one to be it fallen upon. Nay, simply a villain that stirs Are's mighty pot. That ravishes our land with no remorse. Aye, but trudge on we will, in the countenance we are spat, but in mind we have sinews
(I was going for a shakespeare thing and I think I did pretty well)

Deleted user

Hello, dear Moxie. Whatever seems to be the cause of this melancholic statement?

@Moxie group

Is this unpleasantness also known to I? Maybe, possibly, unfortunately maybe even caused by I?

Nay, never. Never the cause friend.

@Moxie group

Nay. Tis a trouble thou need not worry thyself with, for 't will only bring thee displeasures. But concerns thou hast made be noted n' appreciated by myself.

Deleted user

Dear Jynnie, Moxie, Jay, Frances, how art all of you? Holidays have just glided past us, I do hope you all enjoyed this season of festivity.

@Moxie group

They indeed have. Though mine own blood did challenge my nature and the soundness of my mind, I have come out of it whole and richer in both spirit and belongings. My friends helped to keep my mind sound and my spirits up as well.

Deleted user

They indeed have. Though mine own blood did challenge my nature and the soundness of my mind, I have come out of it whole and richer in both spirit and belongings. My friends helped to keep my mind sound and my spirits up as well.

Ah, I am pleased to hear this.

Deleted user

It is difficult for me to describe my state of being of recent, Miri dear. It matters not though, as it does not affect me greatly at the moment. And you?
(wow old-timey talk is really hard)

If you are sure, my dear. I am always here to listen in the event that your mind change.