forum Vent but in Old Timey Speak {Just Click, Sk8r Boi}
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

me, staring into the fireplace with my glass of whiskey in hand:
this time of year, i must say, has a quaint habit of being extremely saddening

Deleted user

Blows smoke from cigarette into air: Why yes, my dear, I must agree. What is bearing on your mind today?

Deleted user

gently swirls the whiskey in its crystalline glass: It is too much! I have many worries, I confess…

Deleted user

Throws cigarette into fire and pulls Sherlock Homes style pipe out of pocket: We are here to listen, dear.

Deleted user

Strokes fluffy white cat with my jewellery covered hands: Would you really? I fear my perils are far too great…

Deleted user

Downs the last of my drink and lights a long cigarette: I fear that my life has become…so painful. i know not if this has always been the way I've lived, but I fear that soon will be my time of reckoning (not the fatal sort, mind you) is near, and i may take a turn for the worse– i can feel it,,,

Deleted user

Sips tea: Ah. I see. Does this feel to be a seasonal situation? Would you like to speak more on the matter?

Deleted user

Kisses the top of my cats head: I'm afraid not, (though i am no professional) but the season has made it all the more clear– i am doomed to face some sort of battle in the coming future. With my vices, (my 'sins'), myself, or my family– i do not know, but i am ceratin i may lose this battle.

Deleted user

Adjusts gloves: Oh my dear, that does sound unpleasant. Have you discussed this with anyone, per say, professional?

Deleted user

Adjusts monacle: I am afraid not, for my mother and father have not the understanding nor willingness to organize such a thing. To them, i am a Happy Daughter with no faults…’tis the same with my friends.

Deleted user

Tightens bow tie: I see. But my dear, this concerns me. Is there anyone in your life you could speak to? Even but a friend?

Deleted user

Fiddles with my giant pearl necklace: I seem to be at a fault, I must say– I seem to be unable when it comes to great vulnerability. For there have been one too many broken friendships past, and It has tampered with my ability to do simple things such as embracing or telling loved ones they are loved. I know not how to fix this…

Deleted user

Sighs, beckoning large dog over: I see. It would indeed be good for you to find yourself a reliable companion whom you could speak to. I dearly apologize for your tattered friendships and vulnerability, but it would be for the best. It has clearly changed you as a person.

Deleted user

Stares at the giant portrait above the fireplace, the faint shadow of the fire reflecting on it: Quite. But now, I do not know what must be done. I feel as if telling someone would do me good, but I feel strangled– choked by something, I might say. Something– within me, that will not let me be vulnerable. My troubles! ohhh :(

Deleted user

Sighs, watching snow fall outside window: I see, I see. This is most tragic, my dear. But still, you must try to tell someone– despite your vulnerability.

Deleted user

Collapses onto the velvet couch nearby: You are right! It pains me so to think about… I know my loved ones would understand and accept whatever i choose to share– but I fear what I tell them to be…too disturbing? I must wait until the right moment.

Deleted user

Fiddles with diamond ring: Yes, I understand. I too have be in the situation you speak of. However, I do not believe you should hesitate for too long.