forum Trump memes
Started by @yeetus

people_alt 3 followers

@HighPockets group

If Trump saw this though…
It'd be hilarious
Also might not end well for the Americans…

Well I am probably more skilled at politics and tact than him, so…shrugs
When a highschooler knows more about the law and politics than the kriffing president, that must be a bad sign…


Well, I supposed yes
Does that mean YOU make a better president than Trump?
Look, that's highly likely
Like, everyone here would make a better president than Trump

@HighPockets group

Well….once when I was young(er) and naive(r) I had presidential aspirations. But now I decided to avoid the gaping, all-consuming black hole that is politics.

Deleted user

I don't want to get into politics. My siblings would be great, but I'm not really the best person to even be a lawyer or a lawyer's secretary.


Same could be said for Trump
I used to want to be lawyer than I decide it would be too annoying because apparently the law books are ginormous

Deleted user

The dark side doesn't have cookies. The Ruth Bader Ginsburg side light side has cookies. Because they're awesome.