forum Trump memes
Started by @yeetus

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@HighPockets group

Yes, but also the Great Jedi Purge, killing children, trying to kill Ahsoka, killing Obi-Wan, killing Padme, trying to kill Luke, not killing Krennic when presented the chance, and LEAVING MY SMOL SPACE DAUGHTER TO DIE IN THE COLD DARK VACUUM OF SPACE is a bit much to overlook.

Now Leia Organa on the other hand…


Well, comparing just about anyone in the world (fictional villain or not) to Donald Trump
I'd say Fuhrer Trump wins like 90% of the time

@HighPockets group

Grand Moff Tarkin: he ordered three planets wiped of all life, one of which was completely obliterated. Not much can beat that.
Voldemort: He and his follows are known for killing innocent muggle-born and muggles for fun, not to mention leading an attack on a school of teens ages 11+.
Presidents Snow and Coin: Snow wiped out presumably thousands during the Dark Days, instilled the Hunger Games for 75 years, killing roughly 2,000 people, all but a handful children. Then forcing surviving children to become prostitutes for the Capital and mentor children every year. He tortures several victors, prep teams, and avoxes for information on the rebellion (and a majority didn't know/didn't care about it) and kills all but the Victors. Then he unleashes horrifying mutts on the rebels, and surrounds himself with Capital children as a shield.

Coin kills the Capital children in an absolutely horrifying matter (dropping parachutes of food and treats down and then rigging them to explode) and shows no sympathy for it. Then tries to instill a Hunger Games of the remaining Capital children. And she killed Victors she believed loyal to the Capital.

So, yeah. Just a handful of characters who've committed more atrocities than Trump has (and I hope to God never will)


I think the Voldemort one though
There are similarities
Trump hates Muslims
And Mexicans
And I saw somewhere that one Jew who survived the Holocaust say that Trump's current status is very similar to Hitler when he just got into power. People thought he was just crazy but then he did, well, that stuff

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Misha Collins disapproves of Trump. So obviously he isn't very good.

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Yup. That's why we…. wait for it…. Vote Saxon! Even a sociopathic and psychotic Time Lord bent on universal domination is no more evil than any other politician. Plus, John Simm's incarnation of the Master is fabulous. Also, just saying, is Whovians are in fact this weird. However, we are rather dedicated to the fandom. So yeah. Or we could have Harriet Jones, a woman who was trying to protect her country and her world but destroyed an invading alien ship just as the Doctor convinced it to leave to do it. She died saving her planet from the Daleks, the most evil race in the universe, and she died with bravery, not cowardice. Or we could have Liz 10, aka Elizabeth the Tenth. Who is a total badass.
(Vote The MasterSaxon)

(Harriet Jones)

(Liz 10)

Take your pick ;D


Any of these would be much better than Trump
But then, potatoes would make better presidents than Trump, see, they are cute, accepting (not homophobic, misogynic, or racist) and non-violent (so pro gun-control)

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Also…. the Doctor (Doctor Who) is president of the world in times of crisis…. maybe not the world right now, but could be maybe help out America?

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Any of these would be much better than Trump
But then, potatoes would make better presidents than Trump, see, they are cute, accepting (not homophobic, misogynic, or racist) and non-violent (so pro gun-control)

Ah, yes, vote a Sontaran into office.

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Castiel as a seraph (after S5) would make a good president. Think about it. Superhuman intelligence, senses, and other powers. Not to mention he's morally correct, not racist, sexist, ethnically prejudiced, or anti-LGBT. Is a good leader and assistant leader. He can teleport himself and his associates anywhere, so less travel expenses. Plus he can't be assassinated by conventional means.


Castiel as a seraph (after S5) would make a good president. Think about it. Superhuman intelligence, senses, and other powers. Not to mention he's morally correct, not racist, sexist, ethnically prejudiced, or anti-LGBT. Is a good leader and assistant leader. He can teleport himself and his associates anywhere, so less travel expenses. Plus he can't be assassinated by conventional means.


Deleted user

Castiel as a seraph (after S5) would make a good president. Think about it. Superhuman intelligence, senses, and other powers. Not to mention he's morally correct, not racist, sexist, ethnically prejudiced, or anti-LGBT. Is a good leader and assistant leader. He can teleport himself and his associates anywhere, so less travel expenses. Plus he can't be assassinated by conventional means.


I actually just got done with an episode of Supernatural. The one where we first meet Balthazar.