forum Trans, Gay, LGBTQ+ or just a normal person *just come here and chat about our depressing lives*
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 39 followers

Deleted user


Yo, it's not working for me either, could you try to PM me?

Deleted user

i am heteroflexible

Then welcome bks we are just here to talk about our depressing lives and it doesn't matter if you are in the LGBT community or not, so feel free to talk about anything @ember-chan-is_really_kyoto_kirigiri

Deleted user

idk what the Q+ stands for so can anyone plz tell me?

Deleted user

or questioning, since some still view queer as a slur

Deleted user

Yo, FriendlyNeighborhoodWitch, could you tell me about what type of witch you are? I'm super interested in anything with gemstones and mythology!