forum Trans, Gay, LGBTQ+ or just a normal person *just come here and chat about our depressing lives*
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 39 followers

Deleted user

hello, just feel free to say anything you want, bks I really do not care

Deleted user

@ember-chan-is_really_kyoto_kirigiri that is what I always do when I just started in Notebook I just saw depressing or just people talking about their OC's or life I just go *click


@ember-chan-is_really_kyoto_kirigiri that is what I always do when I just started in Notebook I just saw depressing or just people talking about their OC's or life I just go *click

gets sucked into the forums


Just popping in to say that the title of this chat, "Trans, Gay, or just a normal person…", insinuates that people of the LGBTQ+ community aren't "normal", which is false. I appreciate you are trying to summon familiar people to you, but being derogatory about that is actually shaming them at the same time. Mind changing the wording, perhaps?


no no no tell me
or pm me whatever
im a witch so it's ok fam, (honestly idk what a irl druid is, I mean I know brownies and gnomes and the druid horoscope, but druids?? do tell)

Deleted user

no no no tell me
or pm me whatever
im a witch so it's ok fam, (honestly idk what a irl druid is, I mean I know brownies and gnomes and the druid horoscope, but druids?? do tell)

Could i pm you? I wanna know more about it!


no no no tell me
or pm me whatever
im a witch so it's ok fam, (honestly idk what a irl druid is, I mean I know brownies and gnomes and the druid horoscope, but druids?? do tell)

Could i pm you? I wanna know more about it!

Of course you can PM me, Logan.