forum today's aesthetic:
Started by Screaming cinnamon roll

people_alt 71 followers

@Pickles group

today's aesthetic: Lauren Lopez and Joey Richter crying with noodles hanging out of their mouths

i can picture that. but still i want to see

@Pickles group

today's aesthetic: we got dinner from a restaurant and when my mom got home with it, we realized they didn't give her mine so she had to go back out and get it, and even though that's not really an aesthetic, it's an apt representation of how my day is going


Today’s aesthetic: When I become a super Villain I’m gonna look fucking fabulous while doing so

Can I be your henchmen that makes you look even better? Here are my qualifications:
I'm clumsy, so you would look even more fabulous
I'm not super attractive, but I can make you look fabulous
And I am pretty okay at following orders, so I can do that
Thank you for possibly thinking of me, that is all

Deleted user

Today's aesthetic: There's a rat in my garage, we're more scared of it than it's scared of us.


Today's aesthetic: I'm questioning if it is possible to go to the police station and ask if they could take my mugshot for no other reason that I want one