forum today's aesthetic:
Started by Screaming cinnamon roll

people_alt 71 followers

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today's aesthetic: am i being clingy?, procrastination, With Confidence, wall drawings.

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today's aesthetic: words are neat! people are neat! i should do my work, but i'm here instead! i love my boyfriend!

@Pickles group

today's aesthetic: words are neat! people are neat! i should do my work, but i'm here instead! i love my boyfriend!

(My eyes skipped and I thought it said "I should do my boyfriend!" I'm dyingg)


today's aesthetic: words are neat! people are neat! i should do my work, but i'm here instead! i love my boyfriend!

(My eyes skipped and I thought it said "I should do my boyfriend!" I'm dying)

(Keeps you busy, at least.)

Deleted user

today's aesthetic: words are neat! people are neat! i should do my work, but i'm here instead! i love my boyfriend!

(My eyes skipped and I thought it said "I should do my boyfriend!" I'm dyingg)

i mean, sure


Today's aesthetic: I have to send in a video to join a club for next year which involves me looking really nice and "What I will most likely look like for the next year" Except, I'm dying my hair once I am out of official quarentine and won't be able to send in the video without it being late. It's really stupid, but my parents are making me do it because it "Helps the next generation of high schoolers coming in"

Deleted user

today's aesthetic: panic! at the disco's collar full and literal panic!

Deleted user

Today's aesthetic: Light Em Up by Love-Sadkid on repeat as I rethink my life choices

@Pickles group

Today's aesthetic (is a fucking doozy, get ready): green plaid shirt, unbuttoned and slightly wrinkled, a Stitch tank top, Halloween cat pants size way too big, one orange sock, one cheetah print sock, unbrushed hair, my crusty, broken glasses
(I need to do laundry. Really bad)


Today's Aesthetic: An endless stream of memes and fandom drabble with a hint of self-hate and a dash of sad


Today's aesthetic: I have a term paper due Monday and OH GOD I HAVE SO MUCH OTHER SHIT TO DO AND I DON'T WANNA DO ANYTHING.


Today's aesthetic: I have too much homework due Monday and instead I am almost done with Little Alchemist and am watching John Carter (10/10 would recommend)