forum To All People Of Notebook. Come Hither. I Have A Gift For You.

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@saor_illust school

that's vv cool
but im also not in college
but ill check it out
see what im in for

edit: looking at it now, and holy heck this looks vvvvvv complicated afdkjafdskljafsdlkjafds

@Pickles group

Fecking fifty psych classes, here I come!
(Also, if you do want college credit, there are free things you can do for that also, but I don't know a whole lot about any of them. CLEP would be a good place to start. Although you can't exactly go take an exam in the foreseeable future)

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@Pickles-EmpressOfKangarooRatsAndAceSnail, @xanax, and @Emi-

Thanks Eva!

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Eris has gone to college, like, three times
I think she's good

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I appreciate the thought, but please don't without asking me first.