forum Title your day like a Percy Jackson chapter
Started by @just_gabs_needs_springtime group

people_alt 75 followers

@-LemonTail- language

It's only the start of second period and I am dead

Maybe don't die?

Thats a hard thing to do…

Hamilton references in my head now
"And all he had to do was die."
"That's a lot less work"
"We oughta give it a try"

WeLl hOw YoU gOnNa GeT yOuR dEbT pLaN tHrOuGh?

He aims his pistol at the sky–


I'm sad now

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Sitting at a computer reloading tabs while I make the conscious decision not to study

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Listening to my classmates say they don't understand spanish in spanish

i was talking in spanish
it was fun

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A person in my theatre class said that I played a character really well and now I am very happy

Good job!!
