My friends argue over how to create firemelons, earthmelons, and windmelons; the Elemelons!!!
You see, the process is actually quite simple. You water watermelons. Therefore, Firemelons are created through crop arson, Earthmelons must be buried (They're not like other melons) and Windmelons must be exposed to harsh winds, preferably during storms.
you've thought about this a lot
I'm impressed
Why, thank you. Elegant bow
I wake up from my dream because I can't remember the third ideal for the Knights Radiant
I wake up from my dream because I can't remember the third ideal for the Knights Radiant
i was having an awsome dream about kaladin but then i woke up because i couldn't remember the third ideal for the windrunners
it was an important part of my dream
i love those books so much
i am rereading them right now!!!
forgot how good they were!
cant wait for book 5!!!!!!!!!
I've only read The Way of Kings, and the very beginning of The Words of Radiance…
I got to the part where Jasnah told Shallan that she is now engaged to Adolin.
i love that part
it gets so much better though
Yeah, that's what people keep telling me
I left it at home, though, and I can't read it until I get back… Sadness…
I am hungry. I shall eat a granola bar
I feel like death. Hooray!
I missed the bus. Now I can't read Oathbringer. :(
i become friends with a thief (it's me, I'm the thief)
And now, I celebrate the birthday of a man who died over a hundred years ago and doesn't know I exist
I get new glasses, now I can see all the world's disappointments in HD!
"I spend all day trying to remember who was in my class until she walked in it before me"
My math teacher is very enthusiastic. It's quite terrifying and funny at the same time.
wake up. roll over. back to sleep. yay
Job hunting kinda sucks but hey, I'm broke
I redesign the entire United States, with help from my fellow conquerors