forum Time skips and PoV
Started by Mio

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I've kind of got a weird system, or, at least, I haven't seen anyone else use it. There are times where I want to skip time and times when I want to change points of view. Time jumps are simple, right? You just put three s. (** That's a time skip.) But, what about the point of view? Sure, I could switch characters at the beginning of each chapter; that's simple. And, I do that, but sometimes I want to change point of view in the middle of a chapter or multiple times. I'm currently using three ~s to show when I switch points of view, but I don't know if readers will catch on. (~~~ That's a point of view change.) I could bluntly state "'Character's name' PoV", but that would break the reading. I'm thinking, if I make the change in view almost obvious, that I'll be ok. I don't know. Tell me if you have any better ideas, please.


I think once you establish the pattern at the beginning, even if the readers have to catch on at first, they'll be used to it for the rest of the book.


i guess it depends if you're writing in third or first person. definitely if it's first person and you're changing in the middle of a chapter, you might want to put their name before each break. but if it's third person, i think that's a little easier because you add a break and then immediately mention the character's name and what they're seeing, how they're reacting. i'm currently reading truthwitch which does this well in the middle of chapters. it's a matter of subtly changing the tone to fit the new character and by mentioning their name and their reaction to whatever is happening helps the reader understand that it's now in their pov.


@Cami It's in first person, and I'm only changing view between both characters. I understand what you mean, but I think it might make the transition choppy if there's a name there suddenly. I'm hoping I can just make the transition obvious somehow.

Here's and example of what I'm think of:

“Yeah, and, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll act like you never saw us.” I say harshly, pulling the human to stand in front of me.

“Ha! You think that’s how this works!” Gen shouts in response.

I turn to glare at him. “Keep your voice down.”

“Oh, sure. I’ll get right to that.” He says sarcastically.

“Look, just leave us alone. I’m taking her to Lord Lex; you won’t have to deal with me ever again.” I explain, but Gen doesn’t seem to care.


The blinker speaks in that weird blubbing that, I guess, all blinkers speak in. There’s another one, seeming to argue in response. I’m peeking around the friendly blinker to see the other. The opposing one’s eyes are glowing brightly as he glares. He’s also considerably shorter than the one protecting me. I’m so confused, but, if I had to guess, this new blinker is not too happy with my presence.


I would suggest not skipping POVs mid-chapter at all, for the sake of not confusing the audience. However, if it is crucial to the plot, just use the skips sparingly.