forum Thread for people to be weird!
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

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Mines Natsu and Lucy… I have three other NaLu shippers on this site actually, Kmart and someothers, I think Shuri does… someone else I think called Alexandra has ALL of the ships the I ship in their shipping list. Well from Fairy Tail anyways… the other one I believe is a newer user, I don’t know his full user though, put its in caps lock and there and a lot of periods in it.

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NaLu is one of her favorites, her second favorite. I think that a Yuri on Ice ship is one of her favorites, I still have to watch Yuri on Ice.

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I have a link the chat which is basically me, Kmart and someone else going back to back on why people should watch Fairy Tail, why it’s so good, me and Kmart obsessing over NaLu, and more people joining in the fangirling.

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Also it’s pretty bad if the creator and writer of the manga ships the ship you ship. Hire Mashima is OBSESSED with NaLu. She posts shipping fuel on her Twitter of them, and well…


Also it’s pretty bad if the creator and writer of the manga ships the ship you ship. Hire Mashima is OBSESSED with NaLu. She posts shipping fuel on her Twitter of them, and well…

angry growling