forum Thread for people to be weird!
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

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Also it’s pretty bad if the creator and writer of the manga ships the ship you ship. Hire Mashima is OBSESSED with NaLu. She posts shipping fuel on her Twitter of them, and well…

angry growling

Oof. Well I liked them since the beginning, and I can see why you like NaLi. If Lucy didn’t exsist I would definitely ship NaLi. But you know, Lucy exsists.

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Yeah. I’m not judging you. They are pretty cute together I admit, but Lucy… she and Natsu just have so many moments together, and Natsu made her feel special, like she was more then a boring celestial spirt wizard. Can you blame me for shipping them? But we need to find an agreement. Who else do you ship in Fairy Tail? Curious.

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But you got to admit, Jellal and Erza are one of the most adorable things on the planet. Erza still had faith in him when everyone else stopped believing in him. She even forgave him when he came back during the first time they met Wendy, don’t remember the ark name though.
But do you have a separate ship for Lucy then? I remember myself shipping her with Loke until the first major NaLu moments. I thought Loke and Lucy were adorable. Well I don’t think that anymore, but I still have hope that if Natsu and Lucy didn’t get together that Lucy would have got with Loke. Kind of weird to say that, but originally I did think that Natsu was going to get with Lisanna, I was okay with it, but then something happened… remember the time where there were NaLu moments piling up in the anime? At that time I knew something was up, and that was around the time where Hrio Mashima started to ship them together, I thought she would ship Erza and Jellal before them two, and besides she even said she was going to make Lisanna and Natsu end up together in a interview. I’m just very curious on what happened that changed her mind, maybe realization or something of the sort? I don’t know but I find it very strange. I thought I would tell you that, and I used to ship Gray and Natsu which was weird… sorry if I’m typing a lot, it seems that I’m getting off topic, anyways, it’s good that we agree on something.

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I ship Lucy and Loki still. I thought it was adorable when she found out he was a celestial spirit and saved his life.

That’s why I liked them originally. Then Natsu and Lucy had that moment then my heart was like, MUST SHIPPPPPP.

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Lol. Opposite moments huh? I used to ship Gray and Erza as well. That clearly changed.