forum Thomas Sanders Appreciation Chat
Started by @SpookyScarySnoteleks group

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@Moxie group

That new episode thoooo
The character development thoooo

And like
The way Roman is acting towards Deceit is exactly the way he acted around Virgil right before everyone accepted Virgil as part of the group. Which for sure makes me think Janus is gonna be accepted very soon

Also that song was fire

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I cried because I get ridiculously invested in fiction.

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Yo, my list:



i love sanders sides

i think my favorites in order would be:

that said, i love each and every side separately and i don't actually dislike any of them

also, can i theorize a tiny bit?? also, spoiler warning to anyone who might not have seen the newest episode!!!

most people by now have made the connection that janus was named after the roman god. now, janus is known as the god of duality, doorways, gates, time, etc.
but he's also the god of beginnings and endings.

what with virgil and logan missing from the newest episode and the unstable mentalities of patton and roman (a reflection of thomas as a whole), i really feel like something big is about to go down. paired with the thumbnail, which confirms the presence of an unidentified dark side, and the unresolved ending note, i think we could potentially be meeting this new dark side in the next episode.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

So I was browsing Pinterest like a normal human being
I see some of my favorite non-binary pals
They are amazing and I love them

Then I look in the comments section
And see this gem

Captioned: 'you know joan had to do it to em'

And I am wheezing

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Ah, yes, the Lad. The Best Boy. Thomathy. Mr Sanders Side. The Absolute Man. He deserves appreciation.


(I just watched the first episode, and I'm starting the second one now. "I would suggest not picking a fight with me. I will cry very very loudly, and it will be embarrassing for the both of us." Is the best thing I've heard all day.)