forum Thomas Sanders Appreciation Chat
Started by @SpookyScarySnoteleks group

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

OK so I just saw his latest Instagram story and its pure gold
"I really don't have any news to share its just a really pretty day outside and I wanted you to see it!"
I can't he's too precious

Awww…so cute!!

That was totally Patton speaking and it makes me just so happy

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I just looked at his merch and now I want all the Sanders Sides t-shirts but I'm broke and the bundle is $140
Edit: If you don't think I added every Sanders Sides patch and pin to my cart you're extremely wrong.


Hi guys!! I would just like to say, that I haven't watched all of the Sanders' Sides videos yet, so if I don't get a reference, then that's why.

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Hello I just binged all of Sanders Sides in the last 3-4ish hours.My favorite character is Janus he is a bitch and I love him so much. I'd kill for he. Self care snek ❤❤ Might I join the chat?

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Janus!!!! Also Thomas is adorable he looks like a little sweet potato man I love him.

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Janus is also my favorite, but I'm not super fond of Virgil. Logan, on the other hand, is babey.

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Order of favorite to least favorite for me is:

What is it for everyone else?