forum This should be the new LGBTQIAAPK+ flag
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

I agree 1000000000000000000000000000000000000% dude. Everyone is accepted and should never be asamed for who they truly are. Just from the heart man


I feek that is there should only be Gay, bi, straight, and ace

What about pan? I’ve never understood the difference between bi and pan though, and I know bi means attracted to males and females, pan is being attracted to everyone. Some people don’t identify as male or female, but bi people would still be attracted to them because they’re biologically male or female. I’ve just never understood it.


Bi is more focused on the biological side of male or female sexes while Pan is more focused on gender, and there are more than two genders, hence the 'pan'.
Then there is omnisexuals, who are like pansexuals (capable of liking anyone) but they don't usually notice gender, and if/when they do, they do not care.

Deleted user

Well Legally and Dictionaryly there are only two but people call the selves others.


No. There are two biological SEXES, but there are more than two GENDERS. Gender is a social construct created by people, this is why "gender roles" exsist.


Bi is more focused on the biological side of male or female sexes while Pan is more focused on gender, and there are more than two genders, hence the 'pan'.
Then there is omnisexuals, who are like pansexuals (capable of liking anyone) but they don't usually notice gender, and if/when they do, they do not care.

Okay, that clears up a lot, thanks. Sometimes when I see explaintions on the Internet, all they say is “Bi people like boys and girls, pan people like everyone”
and that isn’t super helpful

Deleted user

I know right?
I just tried to explain to my parents that I was aromantic without actually saying the word…
It did not go well


I’m a little uneducated sorry
Is aromantic asexual but you have a preference for the opposite gender/sex?
And are you gender fluid? I’ve heard both the terms gender fluid and gender neutral. From what I’ve been informed, gender fluid is that you don’t conform to any specific gender, but you may feel more like one than another on a given day and gender neutral is identifying as neither and using they/them pronouns.
And is gender neutral the same as non binary?

Deleted user

I'm genderfluid and probably aromantic.
And your discription is pretty much what genderfluid is


Yes gender neutral is the same as nonbinary. And there are people who are gay and also asexual or aromantic. Like biromantic, panromantic, polyromantic, etc. So it's not limited to straight and can be paired with other sexualities as well but can also be used for straights.

Deleted user

SAGA is great bc we don’t need 100000 million letters, and it’s way easier to say???
LGBTQ+ is a mouthful , just because of the letters. And it’s for everyone

Deleted user