forum This should be the new LGBTQIAAPK+ flag
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people_alt 3 followers

@Sammy H.

I am Bi and I say that is too extreme.
(My opinion legit doesn’t mean anything but hell I am trying to be a comedian.)

lol not anymore your not buddy

Deleted user

I am Bi and I say that is too extreme.
(My opinion legit doesn’t mean anything but hell I am trying to be a comedian.)

Well i honor you opinion and all i was just messing round as said before

@HighPockets group

Ah yeah I forgot the 'I'. We really need to shorten it to SOMETHING. I like one I saw which was SAGA, or Sexuality and Gender Acceptance I believe? I mean I feel like no matter how long we make the acronym at least 1 thing will be left out, and it will get to the point where it's too long for anyone to say without awkward slowness.

Deleted user

I feek that is there should only be Gay, bi, straight, and ace

Deleted user

So if you like just boys or just girls or both or niether. I think thats good LOL

Deleted user

What about gender? I'm Genderfluid and feel there isn't enough rep for us.

Deleted user

Well like trans and genderfluid well that really dosen't have anything with sexuality.

Deleted user

But the only thing im worried about is the "G"Cause thats me LOL


I honestly prefer SAGA because for one it's shorter (and I'm a lazy little shit) but also because it's all-encompassing. Sexuality And Gender Acceptance. No one has to remember or know exactly what one is, and it covers everyone, from nonbinary and trans and genderfluid to asexual to aromantic to omnisexual to polysexual to pansexual to bisexual to gay to lesbian. Even questioning, agender, and gender non-conforming. Someone doesn't have to know exactly what and who they are yet to be welcomed. Some in the closet can still pose as allies when they use this too.

Everyone is ACCEPTED and welcomed for who they are, as long as we are able to respect one another.