forum This maybe cool or it may suck...
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

I wrote a thing. It's horrible.

The streets filled with shadows as the evening sun disappeared behind the horizon. Children ran in terror into their homes, doors were locked, curtains were drawn. Muffled cries could be heard outside each of the wooden doors. Rumbles sounded in the distance, a low boom, shaking the earth.
The cosmic lights faded away in an unnatural cloud of smoke, sending the town into a darkness very dense. Every candle blown out, the flames not able to bear the intolerable freeze. The people held on to each other in the dark, as for some, it'd be their last time. They cried in each other's arms as they froze in the neverending, somber darkness.

If ya'll like it, i'll continue.

Deleted user

The rumbling grew nearer every second. A shadow scuttled from house to house, begging to be let in. Her cries rang through the night air, begging and pleading. Why had she paused when her friends had called her in? She remembered something stopping her, a cold breeze. She had shivered. Another teen, larger than she, pushed her out of the way and she fell down the steps, her leg twisting in an unnatural way. She cried out then, but it was too late, every door was locked.

Deleted user

A cold wind rushed down the cobblestone streets of the village. The girl stopped and turned, tears ran down her face. She froze, fear rushing through her, like the cold winds in a tempest. She was dead where she stood.
A hooded figure slowly walked down the road, its boots clicking against the stone. A dark aura filled the air, cold and unforgiving. It was dressed in black, and she knew him well from the stories of fear, he- no it, it was The Darkening Frost.

Deleted user

Whoever saw its face never lived to tell the tale. Every night when the sun fell below the horizon, he was summoned to take any souls, dead or alive with him. Unbearable pain and suffering befell those who were taken. This system was made very clear since the Day of Fear.

Deleted user


She took a step back, and The Darkening Frost grew nearer. She turned and ran as far as her wounded legs could take her. She was so cold, each step felt like ice was piercing her skin. Every breath was torture, every tear froze her cheeks numb. Her mouth grew dry, oh so dry. She stumbled in the dark over broken stones in the road. She fell and scrambled back to her feet, blood welling from her knees and hands, freezing them. She limped through the dark, a silent cry coming from her mouth.

Deleted user

She turned to look behind her, he was out of sight.
A freezing wind blew her hair to her left. A dark, despairing aura filled her with misery. She turned, and there was The Darkening Frost. It's face so pale. Black shaggy hair fell from its head. And the eyes, the crimson, blood red eyes, each from the blood of the souls he took.
Metal against metal filled the air, as he reached behind his back and pulled out a bardiche, an old weapon similar to the ax. It was black with silver linings, blood splattered on its deadly blade. She felt her life draining and her blood run cold. She cried out, she felt so cold!

Deleted user

Somewhere in there, something grew, a warm, loving heat. No, she couldn't let this happen! Her little brother shared such a fate, what a genocide this was! She must redeem herself, her people! He slashed the bardiche against her throat before she could act, blood ran down her chest. Her hands lit up with a bright light all the energy left in her soul going into this one blast. The light flashed onto The Darkening Frost and he dissipated, the shadow being torn apart by the light.

Deleted user

She collapsed in a blood puddle on the cobblestone, the light faded back into her hands. She struggled to breathe, just a single breath, everything hurt. She turned pale and her eyes darkened.
The shadows reformed and with it The Darkening Frost. Only so much light can destroy the shadows.
He grimaced over her dull body. That was the last of them.
The last angel.

The End

Deleted user

It's lore from my main storyline. It's about the Genocidal war, before Sycore.
Here's what's happening:
(Quoted from another draft)
So, long ago, everyone had one power in each of the three Elemental genres. You have ice, which means you classify in Sky. The others are Fire and Earth. Within each of the elemental genres are people with the light power, they’re extremely rare and their powers were, well powerful. Their powers differentiate dependant on what genre they are in. Earth is the power of healing. Fire is the power of destructive light, like the sun. And Sky is neutral and is by far the most powerful and rare, pure light itself.
They're so powerful that a war broke out. Someone, somehow, created something that could destroy them. Something called The Darkening Frost. It was part human, part magic itself. The creator convinced a majority of the world to give up their powers into this beast, claiming that “Angels”, the Sky-light users, were simply too powerful. Every last one was killed off in this genocide. The powerless mingled with the powerful and after generations, the magic finally was bred out of humanity.

Deleted user

Well, i don't know exactly what you mean… Story-wise to characters or to people online?