forum Things you regret
Started by @NobleWolf

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It can be serious or not, just things that make you mad or annoyed every time you look back on it because you know you could have 100% prevented it XD. Or just things you could have appreciated more.

For example, I once owned a lego Mars Mission toy set with my two brothers. Between us, we had almost completed the entire set. Then as time went on, the pieces got mixed together, along with some pieces from a Star Wars set (idk). We tried putting them back together, which got them even more mixed up. Then we just stopped caring, and eventually the whole thing was lost (thrown away probably). Now, not only is that particular brand of lego no longer sold in any store, the only replicas are on Amazon as antiques. I bought my pieces at Walmart for about $15 total, and now they're worth high in the $60s. One of my brothers' pieces, which was around $65, is now worth at least $400. So yeah, every time I think about it, I wanna kick something.


Well this has popped up recently but I regret not making more of an effort to stay fluent in my native language? I was at an English speaking school and always lowkey expected to go to an English-speaking university after school. Now that I'm actually in my "home country" trying to speak my "mother tongue" I'm realising how shallow my knowledge is? Like I'm fluent and I don't have an accent or anything but I can't generate vocabulary well and I still think in English
so I'm basically stuck making small talk and talking about work
I can't even make puns anymore!
And back in the day I was so concerned with fitting in and thinking English and knowing about American culture and all that crap and now I really regret not having stuck with my native language
I don't regret learning English but I just wish I hadn't lowkey given up on the other one

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Okay I know this sounds kinda stupid but BEING SMART.

I hate being smart, I feel like I get punished for it, and not looked at as human. I feel like a machine for how people look and talk to me. I’m supposed to be up in my room, studying for hours, and I can’t fail a single test, even in my weak subjects. I just hate being smart. I know it’s out of my grasp, and I know it’s super edgy of me but eh

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I regret telling my family and guidance counselor about my hallucinations, now all it has done is make me talk t someone I don't trust and gives them more reasons for everyone to be mad at me


So this is stupid of me…

My awesome youth pastor was all like: What do y'all want for whatever? and I'm like "FUN DIP!" and he got fun dip and I offered him 10 bucks…

Thinking that it was all for me…

it wasnt.


@HighPockets group

Uhhhhhh………I chose buying Little Kid Anakin over Sandstorm Leia as an action figure. Guess which figure is way cooler and way more expensive nowadays…..