forum These are probably the best lines I’ve ever written
Started by @Overdoneyanoveltropeyesplease

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‘I looked around, and saw no one. Until I did. I have never been more terrified for such a short amount of time than I was in that moment. What I thought was just a very brightly colored…mass of feathers and glitter was actually a very flamboyant Death.’


‘Perhaps anyone who might see it would just think it was some kind of horrific monster that Dottie had cooked up inside her demented little child brain where the concept of good and evil did not have jurisdiction. He hoped that it would never see the light of day again. It should be burned, but alas: Dottie had spent so much time drawing it. If someone were to burn it, she would rip them apart herself. And Dottie didn’t even have a power.’

Feel free to post your best lines as well.

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"At this point, he knew he had fucked up. Also at this point, he kept on going"


I have a few weird things that I've written that I'm proud of so here you go- tosses out some of my writing

"That’s right, Death found Time’s dick. He isn’t sure if he would want to give it back."

"Death moved to open a pocket in his big cloak. Spaghetti came spilling out.
Life had regrets about asking Death for help.
Cue a very delayed “whoops” from Death as he stares at the spaghetti.
Life wishes it was possible for her to die."

"“I leave all my stuff to you! Someone put that in my will real quick.” he then flopped onto his side and just lay there."

"Hawk laughed and celebrated her victory in the war of mud and disappointment by sitting on Sparrow’s fallen ‘corpse’.
He let out a small ‘oof’ as she sat on his back."

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Zackary gave Todd a special kind of look. It was a carefully hidden but dangerous one. The kinda look a guy in the fourth quarter of a football game would give a case of beer. Murder. Imminent murder.
Zackary gave a slight laugh and a weird high-pitchiness came to his voice, as if he were mocking Todd.

…Zackary almost rammed into the counter with the condiments, because he was so shocked…

@HighPockets group

"You'd probably enjoy Creston, Fox. It's full of people like you," Samuel said sharply. That stung, but Nich wouldn't show it. Instead, he walked over to Samuel and put his arm around his shoulder.
"A country full of outrageously attractive and brilliant con artists?" Nich replied with a smile. "Sounds like heaven. Or hell, depending on your point of view." He slipped away, and only then did Samuel realize he was missing his pocket watch.
"Why does he have to be so confident all the time?" Samuel seethed, and Joan laughed.
"That's just Nich for you."

"Izzy?" Stephen asked, his voice full of anguish. Izzy turned to face him, her face more serious than he'd seen before. He yelled again.
"IZZY?" He had to get her attention, had to get her away from Talia, had to….
"I love you." Creston's sake, where did that come from? Izzy looked away from him, turned her head to the sky.
"I…." She began, but Talia gripped her arm. "N-no. No, you don't."
And with that she turned away from him.