forum Theatre Kids
Started by @someone_who_occasionally_writes_

people_alt 92 followers


are you sad that its the closing night?

Yeah, this is the first time I've ever had an actual named role (I play milky-white) and the cast is amazing and I don't want it to be over

@spacebluelily language

Okay but like can we talk about epic the musical? That shit hits so hard

never seen it, but I'm trusting your judgment

luckily for you, EPIC: The Musical isn't a musical you can see, but instead, hear
As of today there are three 'albums" or sagas if you would, the troy saga, the cyclops saga, and the ocean saga. Each saga has up to 6 or more songs. I'd really recommend giving it a hear, you can find on Youtube, Spotify, possibly Apple Music, and if you have Tiktok then you most definitely have heard it before. The "so let's be honest, you are athena, badass in the arena" song that was trending a while ago came from EPIC


Okay but like can we talk about epic the musical? That shit hits so hard

never seen it, but I'm trusting your judgment

luckily for you, EPIC: The Musical isn't a musical you can see, but instead, hear
As of today there are three 'albums" or sagas if you would, the troy saga, the cyclops saga, and the ocean saga. Each saga has up to 6 or more songs. I'd really recommend giving it a hear, you can find on Youtube, Spotify, possibly Apple Music, and if you have Tiktok then you most definitely have heard it before. The "so let's be honest, you are athena, badass in the arena" song that was trending a while ago came from EPIC


@spacebluelily language

Okay but like can we talk about epic the musical? That shit hits so hard

never seen it, but I'm trusting your judgment

luckily for you, EPIC: The Musical isn't a musical you can see, but instead, hear
As of today there are three 'albums" or sagas if you would. the troy saga, the cyclops saga, and the ocean saga. Each saga has up to 6 or more songs. I'd recommend hearing it. you can find on Youtube, Spotify, Apple Music, and if you have Tiktok then you most definitely have heard it before. The "so let's be honest, you are athena, badass in the arena" song that was trending a while ago came from EPIC


Yup! The song is called Warrior of the Mind, and it is from the Troy Saga :)


Okay but like can we talk about epic the musical? That shit hits so hard

never seen it, but I'm trusting your judgment

luckily for you, EPIC: The Musical isn't a musical you can see, but instead, hear
As of today there are three 'albums" or sagas if you would. the troy saga, the cyclops saga, and the ocean saga. Each saga has up to 6 or more songs. I'd recommend hearing it. you can find on Youtube, Spotify, Apple Music, and if you have Tiktok then you most definitely have heard it before. The "so let's be honest, you are athena, badass in the arena" song that was trending a while ago came from EPIC


Yup! The song is called Warrior of the Mind, and it is from the Troy Saga :)

omg thank you so much!!!!! i couldn't find answers ANYWHERE!

@spacebluelily language


Yup! The song is called Warrior of the Mind, and it is from the Troy Saga :)

omg thank you so much!!!!! i couldn't find answers ANYWHERE!

you're welcome :) glad i could help!


I'm really upset because this year the high school musicals schedule is practic from 6 - 8 on most Mondays and Thursdays it has always been that way since before I came here but the ONE DAY I can't do ever is thrusday because it's the day I have dance class I've been doing dance longer than anything so i prioritize it over theater but it's still so frustrating that half the practices are the one day I can't be there. The theater teacher said I could get ensemble and only go to Monday rehearsals but i like trying to get lead roles. There is nothing wrong with ensemble but I just don't wanna show up to half the practices. Instead of doing the high school musical I think I'm gonna go be stage crew for the middle school musical. I'm friends with a lot of middle schoolers so I would rather do that. Beside the high school show this year was either NEWSIES or URINE TOWN. We aren't doing newsies. So this really sucks for me specifically cause I've only ever been in 2 shows once in elementary school and then once in middle school usually there is 1 show in elementary and 3 in middle 1 for each year of middle school but the first 2 years I was in middle school was during the pandemic so I've only ever done 2 shows and I love theater so it makes me really frustrated and sad that I can't continue doing theater in school because of the schedule. I know the teacher isn't gonna change the schedule because it has always been on Thursday and will continue to be on Thursday long after I'm gone. But still this while situation fucking sucks. Felt like this was a good place to share.

@thecasual_hooman drive_eta

I'm really upset because this year the high school musicals schedule is practic from 6 - 8 on most Mondays and Thursdays it has always been that way since before I came here but the ONE DAY I can't do ever is thrusday because it's the day I have dance class I've been doing dance longer than anything so i prioritize it over theater but it's still so frustrating that half the practices are the one day I can't be there. The theater teacher said I could get ensemble and only go to Monday rehearsals but i like trying to get lead roles. There is nothing wrong with ensemble but I just don't wanna show up to half the practices. Instead of doing the high school musical I think I'm gonna go be stage crew for the middle school musical. I'm friends with a lot of middle schoolers so I would rather do that. Beside the high school show this year was either NEWSIES or URINE TOWN. We aren't doing newsies. So this really sucks for me specifically cause I've only ever been in 2 shows once in elementary school and then once in middle school usually there is 1 show in elementary and 3 in middle 1 for each year of middle school but the first 2 years I was in middle school was during the pandemic so I've only ever done 2 shows and I love theater so it makes me really frustrated and sad that I can't continue doing theater in school because of the schedule. I know the teacher isn't gonna change the schedule because it has always been on Thursday and will continue to be on Thursday long after I'm gone. But still this while situation fucking sucks. Felt like this was a good place to share.

were all theater people, were here for one another :)


I was in theatre my freshman year, and we did Chemical Imbalance, which is about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and I think it was a tragic comedy? Cause it was really funny, but a bunch of characters died. I got to be the cook. I sadly got pulled out of school at the end of the year, so no more plays for me.

@thecasual_hooman drive_eta

I was in theatre my freshman year, and we did Chemical Imbalance, which is about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and I think it was a tragic comedy? Cause it was really funny, but a bunch of characters died. I got to be the cook. I sadly got pulled out of school at the end of the year, so no more plays for me.

hey, who said you couldn't make them up with some friends?


I was in theatre my freshman year, and we did Chemical Imbalance, which is about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and I think it was a tragic comedy? Cause it was really funny, but a bunch of characters died. I got to be the cook. I sadly got pulled out of school at the end of the year, so no more plays for me.

hey, who said you couldn't make them up with some friends?

I actually did forget to mention that we're doing a sort of homeschooling co-op thing, and the theatre group is doing Alice in Wonderland. I'm gonna be the Cheshire Cat, so that's fun!


I'm doing anything goes (I'm old lady in wheelchair) and one if the performances is on my birthday!!