forum Theatre Kid Chat!!
Started by @moss

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This chat is dedicated to the theatre kids. Introduce yourself and chat about shows, music, and anything else relating to theatre.


Hi!!!!! Nice to meet you all!! Are any of you in any shows currently? I'm doing Legally Blonde at the moment.

@HighPockets group

I was Holofernes in Love's Labour's Lost, but that got cancelled even before coronavirus. With any luck, I'll be in As You Like It this summer.

@Anemone eco

With any luck, I'll be in As You Like It this summer.

Ooo. Nice. I wish that it didn't get canceled for me. I got the role that I wanted too! I'm Very Upset™.


Our show this year is such a mess. We're supposed to perform on April 17 and 18 but because of coronavirus we can't have rehearsal for 3 weeks which leaves us a week before tech week. Also our Emmett quit the show last week and a bunch of roles changed.

@HighPockets group

With any luck, I'll be in As You Like It this summer.

Ooo. Nice. I wish that it didn't get canceled for me. I got the role that I wanted too! I'm Very Upset™.

What role? I'm trying for Jacques because "depressed loser who lives in the woods" is 100% my retirement plan, but auditions work kinda weird there.

@Anemone eco

With any luck, I'll be in As You Like It this summer.

Ooo. Nice. I wish that it didn't get canceled for me. I got the role that I wanted too! I'm Very Upset™.

What role? I'm trying for Jacques because "depressed loser who lives in the woods" is 100% my retirement plan, but auditions work kinda weird there.

LOL. Jacques was the role I got. Best believe I was full-on p i s s e d when they canceled it.


not sure i quite count either but i’m in the elite singing class at my school and we’re doing a mashup of songs with acting in the middle and choreography, but it might get canceled so i sad
i was supposed to choreograph too and there was a solo i really wanted so fuck the corona virus