forum The Worst Things
Started by @Fraust

people_alt 9 followers


Here we talk about things that suck/that we hate with a passion.
When I try to speak and people interrupt me. And then get mad at me for interrupting

Deleted user

A dislike for horrible roleplayers. ( I'm probably one though.)


Oof yeah.
When people don't raise their freaking hand in class and just start speaking
People talking to children in that awful 'baby voice' like just talk to them like a normal human being

Deleted user

When a student talks to the teacher like they're your friend. (I'm sorry I sound rude, but it's actually really annoying.)


Small talk is the bane of my existence
Actually, no, drawing hands is the bane of my existence. Why are they so hard to draw
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Why is art so very hard?
Like a diamond in the sky


Guys get like, 6 inch pockets 100% of the time and girls either don't get pockets or they get like, 2 or 3 inch pockets

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When people who've ignored you your whole life suddenly want to befriend you and act like they know you so very well.


IKR suddenly the popular girls just hug me in the hallways like 'were' best friends right??" just to annoy me and I'm like flipping go away I'm trying to art


When people who've ignored you your whole life suddenly want to befriend you and act like they know you so very well.

Especially when you can tell that they only want to get a favour out of you
like yo I'm socially awkward not stupid
I feel this one too much

Deleted user

Others placing the blame on you or getting punished even though you had nothing to do with it


When people who've ignored you your whole life suddenly want to befriend you and act like they know you so very well.

Especially when you can tell that they only want to get a favour out of you
like yo I'm socially awkward not stupid
I feel this one too much

Or when they have no other friends so they act like you guys have been best friends forever

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Just people being fake and falsely claiming in general.

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People acting like everything you do MUST be because of them in some way