forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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Deleted user

ella, some people want to have sex
even if you don't

Deleted user

and that's okay
it's also okay to not want to have sex
as long as everything is safe and consensual anything is okay


i personally don’t see how anyone in the right mind could possibly find that stuff okay, much less desirable
however that’s probably just a me thing

@Mojack group

i personally don’t see how anyone in the right mind could possibly find that stuff okay, much less desirable
however that’s probably just a me thing

it’s not just a you thing, I feel the same as well

Deleted user

you don't understand how people could think sex is okay??
so, that married couple who's wanted children for years can't because sex isn't okay???


i personally don’t see how anyone in the right mind could possibly find that stuff okay, much less desirable
however that’s probably just a me thing

no that's honestly a mood. it varies for me but most of the time ewwww

@Pickles group

Try to be a sex goddess or whatever the fuck is happening all you want, but you aren't going to change the fact that sex jokes make Ella uncomfortable and the idea of someone pushing their meaty flesh stick into us makes both of us want to hurl.

@Mojack group

you don't understand how people could think sex is okay??
so, that married couple who's wanted children for years can't because sex isn't okay???

I mean it’s not that I don’t understand how people think it’s okay, it’s not the act of others doing it bothers me.
It’s when it comes to me it bothers me. I probably should’ve made that clear.

Deleted user

Try to be a sex goddess or whatever the fuck is happening all you want, but you aren't going to change the fact that sex jokes make Ella uncomfortable and the idea of someone pushing their meaty flesh stick into us makes both of us want to hurl.

w h a t
lizzie, nobody here is trying to be a "sex goddess"
I'm just putting it out there that safe sex isn't wrong
I'm not saying that ella's feelings towards sexual jokes and shit aren't right
nor am I saying anything about sex repulsed asexuals.


we have the science needed to reproduce asexually and keep the population reasonable, too

if we could just magically abolish the whole yiffy wiffy stuff from our culture completely, this world could progress into a near utopia
the majority of our modern day problems would vanish into history— rape, abortion, trafficking, stds— all a thing of the past, and due to lack of distractions, we’d be able to better work on the ones that wouldn’t
people could feel safe around others, to trust them, care about them, truly love them, we could build a much stronger social bond and really progress as a society towards a greater, happier future for everyone
but no
no one cares about that
we can’t just grow past our old mistakes
it’s always about who you can hurt and how much you hurt them
it doesn’t do anything other than motivate violence, encourage suicides, spread illness, and degress our society, but oh, those three seconds of brain chemicals really do be worth it, right fellow sexually attracted humans?
honestly, it’s people like that that make me want to die
there’s just no justifications
you’re all pieces of total dog shit and i don’t want to speak to you, sometimes i wish you’d all drop dead
but then again, i seem to be the only person who thinks this way
clearly i must be the problem-
but regardless, i will never change my mind. i will never be like you sorry excuses for human beings, and if that means i have to fucking kill myself i won’t hesitate for a minute

oh no i ranted while tired. shoot. welp time to panic and feel guilty again for the next three weeks

Deleted user

okay, ella, calm down for a second.
I understand you're asexual and that's cool.
I understand you're a bit sex repulsed and that's cool.
A lot of people are not.
And sex is, as stupid as it sounds, a right.
And no matter whether or not you like it, others do. Like I said, if it's all safe and consensual, it doesn't hurt anyone.
There are a lot of reasons for people to have sex.
Sex is not the same as rape and and trafficking, nor is it the same as stds or abortion.

it doesn’t do anything other than motivate violence, encourage suicides, spread illness, and degress our society

I'm sorry, but that's absolutely wrong, ella. that's totally not true in the slightest. rape and trafficking may motivate suicide and violence. but safe healthy sex does not. stds can be prevented.

and this

honestly, it’s people like that that make me want to die
there’s just no justifications
you’re all pieces of total dog shit and i don’t want to speak to you, sometimes i wish you’d all drop dead
but then again, i seem to be the only person who thinks this way
clearly i must be the problem-
but regardless, i will never change my mind. i will never be like you sorry excuses for human beings, and if that means i have to fucking kill myself i won’t hesitate for a minute

is not okay at all.
people disagreeing with you is not a reason to say they make you want to die or you wish they'd die or that they are "sorry excuses for human beings" that you can only escape through suicide.
not cool.
not right.
not okay.
don't pull shit like that again, el. you're entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to attack others for theirs.

@The-Magician group

Oh mighty Eros, why do I always miss this stuff…

Both of you, all of you in fact, are entitled to your opinions on a topic——especially a topic such as sex.
Ella, I completely understand your strong disliking of it. I myself have moments where I question how anyone can find something like that enjoyable, how they’re even comfortable with that. Much to my boyfriend’s disliking, when I have those moments, I don’t even want to kiss him (and he hates himself for it because he thinks he’s the “broken” one).
It’s okay to not like the idea of sex, honestly it is, because there is no law stating you must do it. You have no obligation.

Though I do agree with Miriam. They make a valid point about healthy, consensual sex not being the same as rape etc, because it’s not. I don’t need to elaborate because Miriam pretty much covered it.

Finally, it’s not okay to attack someone for having a different opinion to you——the amount of times I have wanted to say this to certain people but it would start an argument.
I understand that you were tired, which was why you were just stating how you feel, however when we are tired we tend to express the thoughts we don’t want to say when we can think clearly.
Saying that you would rather kill yourself than be someone who has sex is not okay, and the fact you have that opinion worries me a bit. No one hates you for what you have said it’s just a bit concerning.

Everyone is different, we like what we like and we don’t like what we don’t like. No one has the right to judge you or attack you for something that makes you who you are. You don’t like sex, that’s chill. You like sleeping on the floor rather than in a bed, that’s also cool. Maybe you like a type of music that another person doesn’t, I’d be surprised if everyone had the same music tastes. The point is that no matter what you choose do do with your life, no matter what you’re comfortable with, your opinion is still valid.

That’s all I have to say, I think it’s best if we end the topic of sex here before anyone gets too upset.


except it’s never healthy.
it’s never okay.
it’s always the same, it will always cause harm
yet no one seems to get that
i don’t understand…
how do you creatures live with yourselves???

and no, this isn’t just a tired me opinion
nor is it something i can just brush off and ignore-
it follows me everywhere, even the wanting everyone to die part.
once someone becomes one of Those People, i simply can’t feel any trust towards them.
no matter how important they were to me, how much i cared, one wrong word and it’s all gone.
to me, they aren’t human anymore.

i think the easiest way to explain it is using murder-
if a close friend of yours casually and guiltlessly confessed to your group that they strangled two children to death at a park in indiana before cannibalizing them over the course of two weeks, would you still feel safe around them? would you still be able to see them as a close trusted friend? even if you know they’d never murder you, they’re still no longer someone you can associate with
and if they started giving detailed descriptions of the bodies, how they struggled and fought back, and the way their flesh tasted, wouldn’t you also feel sick to your stomach, or maybe even start crying?
well that’s how i feel towards this stuff
the only difference is that gore in most cases is less traumatizing

but of course, i’m still physically incapable of hating people without directing it towards myself
like oh, you dislike someone? well time to initiate self-destruct mode cause you’re clearly the problem and the world would be better off if you were never born

i’ve been searching every corner of the internet for months, trying to find other people like me, but the only thing so far that could explain it is that i’m delusional as fuck
so maybe i am the problem
maybe you all are ok and i’m the one who should drop dead
but i’m not letting go
i will never be like you
you’re all worth nothing
i hate you so much
i don’t want to
but i can’t make myself care again

i hate talking about it cause it’s embarrassing that this is even a problem, like name one fear more pathetic than this, i dare you-
but it’s still there
no matter how stupid
and there’s nothing i can really do

none of that made sense, did it
oh well
i’m going back to bed
might come back in five minutes to pretend i made it all up again or play some sort of victim card to avoid consequences like the worthless little bitch i am

Deleted user

ella, stop.
just try and calm down.
because, with all due respect love, a lot of things you're saying are just incorrect.
sex can be healthy. it can be safe.

Sex is not the same as rape and and trafficking, nor is it the same as stds or abortion.

and it definitely isn't the same as murder.
At. All.
you're asexual. that's fine. but shaming other people for what they choose to do with themselves and their bodies is wrong.
and going so far as to say you hate us and we're worthless for what we choose? come on, ella.

take a break for a few minutes or something and come back.


i’ve been searching every corner of the internet for months, trying to find other people like me, but the only thing so far that could explain it is that i’m delusional as fuck

Sex negative and sex repulsed asexual. That's what you sound like to me. If your sex repulsion is to the intensity that it's causing you this much distress over yourself and others, as well as interrupting your daily life, it's safe to call it a phobia. Erotophobia is a broad term, but I think it fits.
Being sex negative is one thing. That's fine and ok. Being sex repulsed is one thing. That's cool too. Being asexual is one thing- that's fine and great as well. But being full of nothing but hate for sexual people, and consequently hating yourself, is an entirely different thing.
I get being ace-spec in a very allo world. And yeah, it really sucks and has left me in some dark places too. So I understand why you say sex follows you everywhere you go, and why you say it influences your want to die. I understand that completely, and have experienced that. I've seen numbers that indicate Asexuals are the most suicidal out of all LGBTQ (don't know where I saw them, though). I think being such an outsider in this allo world is definetely a factor in that. So I understand that.
But again, it's not right to hate yourself or other people because they have different feelings and veiws, and do different things than you. Sex is not inherently bad. It's really kinda what you make of it. And if you can happily say it's bad, then good for you, you know where you stand. But that doesn't mean you should put down sexual people like you have. This phobia or fear is greater than sex repulsion and negativity. If you ever get that therapist, I'd definetely bring this up. No one should try to change your opinion on sex, but if your fear is causing so much hate and discomfort in your life, then it's absolutely a problem.

Deleted user

take a break.
get offline. draw. sleep.
you're mad and you're saying things you don't mean.

@Pickles group

Ella, light of my life, love of my world. Please go take a break for a few hours. It seems like you need it. I'm not saying this solely because I disagree with you or solely because other people disagree with you. I'm saying it because you really sound like you need one

@The-Magician group

I myself am not miserable, thank you, nor am I a troglodyte. I really think you should get your facts and thoughts straight before you start insulting people the way you have been doing.
If you truly believe that sex is all the same, and you believe that everyone who is a sexual person is the same, then there is every possibility that this extends to more than a phobia and you may very well just be delusional.
I don’t mean this as an insult and I’m not attacking you, I’m just making this statement from observation.

@HighPockets group

Ella, I mean this in the nicest possible way, your feelings on sex seem like they surpass sex-repulsed asexuality (not saying you aren't ace, obviously) and into some actual psychological issue. While it's perfectly normal to be asexual or to not want sex, such an aggressive statement and equating all sex to rape and murder is…far beyond that.