forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


does anybody else get, like, throat pain if they take their pills without water?
maybe it's just cuz mine are so thicc idk

I don't even know how people to that

@ElderGod-kirky group

Oh, I'm not on prescription drugs

I'm just sporadically drugging myself because my body doesn't know how it wants to fuck me up everyday

Accidentally did that to myself one day and Crocs got a recap of how I felt during then

Deleted user

i have no idea how to take these or when all i know is the pills are tiny

usually you can take them morning or night.
you're starting on half a pill, right? and if they're small it's probably not a very large dosage.
it should say on the bottle when to take them though.

@Pickles group

does anybody else get, like, throat pain if they take their pills without water?
maybe it's just cuz mine are so thicc idk

That's what happens when you dry swallow anything larger than an ant


n o, don't heck instructions. One time I got prescribed anti-virals for a mystery illness and I didn't read the instructions close enough. The first one I took I almost immediately threw it up. Another time I took zinc wrong and had the worst stomach ache. Another time I didn't track how much acetaminophen I was taking over a few days and now I can only use ibuprofen for periods. Love the instructions. Don't heck them.

Deleted user

I mean
mine say "take one per day" on the bottle or something

Deleted user

idk the bottle is in the kitchen
I know I can them morning or night, but I choose morning


I had a friend who started talking them at nights so they would be active by morning, then once his body got used to them I think he switched to mornings

@The-Magician group

My antidepressants are 1 per day and I have to take them before 4PM or it will fuck my sleep.
My iron tablets are 2 a day and I have to take one with breakfast and another with tea.
My blood tablets are 3 a day, so one with every meal.
My weight loss supplements are 2 a day with no set time, same with the internal cleansing supplements.


I'm supposed to take one of mine at night. If I take it in the morning, I'll be spacey for the rest of the day (plus I wouldn't be allowed to drive anywhere).


today is so happy???
why is today so happy???
like she already left 4 hours ago, why am i still curled in a ball humming stupid songs and smiling like an idiot

Deleted user

haha i agree

this messages comes from “I rush my drawings, especially near the end and take a few hours tops on a piece” gang


my computer’s fixed already-
it wasn’t supposed to be for weeks but I guess they got it done early???
there’s no damage, nothing lost, and we’ll be picking it up tomorrow !!!