forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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Deleted user

Like, the ideal partner?

yeah, kind of. I mean, like, what you look for and what you're into.


ay, thanks love :D

anyway, here's a fun conversation starter:
what are y'all's 'type' when it comes to rOmAnCe?

I like to think I set the bar low, but it seems like my standards are "too high" or whatever.
Essentially I just want someone I'm comfortable and happy around. I don't want to guess if I'm nervous or excited, I want to know exactly what I feel, and that they feel the same.
I will love them 100%, but only if they love me 100% back. 99%? Nope.
All or nothing, bb.

I just want a really committed best friend. Is that too much to ask?

Deleted user

Like for me, when it comes to girls I'm usually into stems, and sometimes fems. Not usually studs. Usually darker hair and I'm weak for freckles. And short girls.

for guys, I like them taller and think it's hella hot when they paint their nails (zach learned that the hard way lmao), especially black (because it's my favorite color but also because I think it just looks cool). and kind of longer hair. not manbuns or anything. like… eboy hair.

Deleted user

kind of. but like. nerdier. in a good way. I mean this in the most respectful way possible lmao but I don't know what about you is so fucking perfect to me.


Well duh, I know I'm a nerd lmao, but an eboy? Must be the hair. Or the "soft boi trying to be more intimidating than he is" look.

@Anemone eco

Here's my answer to your question, Mir.

Well, right now, I'm not really going to discuss looks. I might do so later. But, in a person, I just want someone I feel safe around. Someone who I can spill my heart to without fearing having them ask "what's wrong with you?" (not as in with concern. But rather disgust or disdain) or having them feel disappointed in me. I want someone who feels like they can confide in me as much as I can them. Really, I'm not quite looking to be babied, but I'm pretty fucking sensitive. So I don't really think being with someone with a sorta-sharp tongue would ever work out for me. I'm 90% sure I'd crumble. I want someone who accepts me as I am and with what I like. Not someone who tries to change me or manipulate me for their own selfish desires. I've had way too much of that within my life. Really, I'm pretty basic, though I could jabber on more. But that's the basic shit.


Being demi, I can't really forecast whether I'd like a girl or an enbie, but so far I know I like guys. But a very specific type of guy. I fulfill the stereotype that demis are picky lol.
My type in guys is someone very feminine. When it comes to looks, just pretty I guess. I don't mind a boy wearing makeup, that'd be cute probably. I jokingly use the word twink to describe guys I find pretty, but twink is usually used to refer to feminine gay men, and obviously being a girl I wouldn't date a gay man lol.
I like to be the gentleman in the relationship, gentlewoman if you will. I like to be the one to get him flowers, to put my arm around him, to pick him up, to protect him. I like being the more dominant one. One day, I'd like to be the one doing the proposing.
Spiritually, I'd want us to be on the same page. Someone I can grow together with. I'm all about hugs and kisses, so someone physical. I don't think he could be too clingy, I'm always down for cuddling time and whatnot. Someone very expressive that way.
Someone who's very honest and vulnerable when it comes to emotions, so that I can be honest and vulnerable too. When it comes to emotional problems, I find understanding and honesty and just being there the most important qualities. I'd want them to feel safe around me, and me around them.
Oh, and someone who's in it for marriage. I don't date, I fucking court. Someone who's completely devoted, because relationship wise I'm completely devoted.
Other qualities I look for would be humor, and intelligence, but I don't need a grade A student, just someone who can theorize stupid things with me. Maybe someone who's more into the arts, writing, and film and stuff. Have some sort of passion in that area. Also, someone where we could spend a lot of time, maybe most of our time, in complete silence and still be perfectly happy, just because we're in the same room together.

Deleted user

My type in guys is someone very feminine. When it comes to looks, just pretty I guess. I don't mind a boy wearing makeup, that'd be cute probably.

facts though, so feminine-looking guys are super cute



i'm very very ace but also very very not aro, like to the extreme of both sides, so if i'm being completely honest i'd probably fall for and try to obnoxiously hug anyone that showed any sort of emotion towards me
…but if i were to pick exact ideals:

male, not too muscly, wide shoulders, extremely soft floofy hair of amazing gloriousness, soft eyes, button nose, freckles, a bit squishy, not super tall, total game nerd, nice voice, that precious hecking smile that every stereotypical soft boi has, capable of carrying me places and comforting me when sad.

…female, any height, curvy cause curvy people give great hugs and that's all that really matters, dimples, long soft hair, a talented writer, quite crafty, equally as addicted to glitter as i am, kind-hearted, a bazillion and a half odd hobbies that just kind of get picked up and dropped, cuddly.

another female…, tallish, any shape, any hair, big round eyes, good dancer, very comedic, confident, athletic, freckles are always good, strong, capable of self-defense, annoying but in a very lovable way, not afraid to cry, not afraid to comfort me when i cry, always willing to go waltz through odd shops or go to new restaurants, will let me fall asleep on her shoulder during long car rides.


My type in guys is someone very feminine. When it comes to looks, just pretty I guess. I don't mind a boy wearing makeup, that'd be cute probably.

facts though, so feminine-looking guys are super cute


Yesss. Plus more feminine flowy wear, shawls and dresses and blouses and stuff, it's comfy and I think guys would enjoy it.

@Anemone eco

My type in guys is someone very feminine. When it comes to looks, just pretty I guess. I don't mind a boy wearing makeup, that'd be cute probably.

facts though, so feminine-looking guys are super cute


I don't care if it's socially acceptable or not. Whoever doesn't like it can go fuck themselves.

@HighPockets group

Honestly I don't really have a type? I like smart people who can match my wits, and who are funny and clever and sweet. Not really into the jock archetype though, or himbos.


I just want a really committed best friend. Is that too much to ask?

Red knows what's up. I mean, that's the dream deal though.

Fuck yeah. It honestly is though.

Deleted user

and kind of longer hair. not manbuns or anything. like… eboy hair.

Like… mine?


Deleted user

lmao honestly just floofy hair for either gender is where it's at


things that are always good are freckles, dimples, softness, intense nerdiness, fellow CatholicTM, contagious laughter, big eyes, a very drawable face, writing talent, cute noses, good sense of humor, and intelligence to counteract my dumb.

oh and they have to be ace
that's kind of necessary
everything else is flexible