forum the one am club
Started by @TeamMezzo group

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I wish…
I have to babysit later, which will be my only time to be on, so… sleep can wait!

Deleted user

(Speaking of which I gtg now, be back in….
checks time
Less than 3 hrs? I hope?)

Deleted user

Actually I think I'm good to hang around for a little bit…. not long though…

Deleted user

Same…. and I want a drink but it'll taste funny…

Deleted user

Oof. Well, you should. Sleep is really important.

Deleted user

I know….but this is also my last nght on for a couple weeks…

Deleted user

True, but you'll still have to end up sleeping, no? If you go to bed now, you'll wake up early. Not too early, but still. Plus, it's more active in the afternoon and evening rather than late at night or super early.

Deleted user

I know. But I physically can't be on tomorrow, except for maybe an hour in the morning.
And I have RP's going that tend to be nocturnal anyway.

Deleted user

Well, I guess it doesn't matter when you sleep, as long as you get enough of it