forum the one am club
Started by @TeamMezzo group

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@TeamMezzo group

it's currently one am where i'm at, and the odds of me sleeping are low.
anyone else awake at a time where very few are in their time zone? if so, what time is it for you?

@Mojack group

I couldn't fall asleep until close to 5 am and I woke up at 10 am meaning I got about 5 hours

5 hours..not great, but not terrible, either.

On the bright side I'm not tired, I guess falling asleep at 10 PM these past nights really helped prepare me for the inevitable. I also sometimes wake up before 9 am but that's either because of one of the following; I asked my mom to wake me up, I have cramps, I have a sickness, or my brain is like "let's not sleep in" but it truly is an ungodly moment.

@Painted-Iris group

so yeah when I said I was going to bed…
I got off my computer so I'd stop forcing myself awake but then I actually really couldn't sleep lol
I asked my mom to get me up because I had volunteer work and she said she tried but I didn't wake up.

@TeamMezzo group

hey it's 10 pm and i hate my neighbors on the corner cuz they're having a party
i'm two houses down and i can hear them
odds of sleeping<0

Deleted user

Wow it’s 11:35 over here.

How did I not see this? I was up at the time this was posted lmao

I’m at a friend’s house using her iPad so fun times

Deleted user

hey it's 10 pm and i hate my neighbors on the corner cuz they're having a party
i'm two houses down and i can hear them
odds of sleeping<0

Also I’m pretty sure you can noise complain their ass and get them shut down >:)

@TeamMezzo group

hey, kill me there are a bunch of trains right now and also i'm noticing the fire station's sirens which never happens and i haven't had a good night's sleep in so long

Deleted user

Hi everyone (pardon my sudden intrusion). Why wasn't I born as a snail?

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Hi…. is anyone here? (Im on sporadically cause my mom took my tech for the summer, but I get it back at my dads where i cant/dont sleep.)

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Tis 5 am. Ive come to the conclusion that i will not sleep tonight.