forum The most sarcastic thing you´ve ever said or done
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 33 followers

@HighPockets group

Turzelle: We should go see Anastasia
Me: Bold of you to assume I can afford multiple tickets
Turzelle: Bold of you to assume I wouldn't be a courteous friend and buy my own.

Deleted user

Me: swears in Italian and English for like… A few minutes straight, I switched between them for a bit.
A kindergartener: You're not allowed to do that…
Me: Ahem, I do what I want, when I want. Bitch.

Deleted user

(But they can suck it, they were trying to play the innocent card when they had literally been yelling at the top of their lungs, in the middle of a restaurant, a few minutes ago.)

Deleted user

(Hm, probably, but they already heard it from their parents. Plus, the only word I said in English was Hell, which if they are religious, they will hear a lot in their church.)


(But they can suck it, they were trying to play the innocent card when they had literally been yelling at the top of their lungs, in the middle of a restaurant, a few minutes ago.)

(High five, fellow person who can swear in Italian ;)

Deleted user

(But they can suck it, they were trying to play the innocent card when they had literally been yelling at the top of their lungs, in the middle of a restaurant, a few minutes ago.)

(High five, fellow person who can swear in Italian ;)


@HighPockets group

(But they can suck it, they were trying to play the innocent card when they had literally been yelling at the top of their lungs, in the middle of a restaurant, a few minutes ago.)

(High five, fellow person who can swear in Italian ;)


I can say asshole in German and that's like the only non-English swear I know. I learned it from The Book Thief.

Deleted user

We do, I learned about anarchy in history books and from there spawned my love of chaos.


(But they can suck it, they were trying to play the innocent card when they had literally been yelling at the top of their lungs, in the middle of a restaurant, a few minutes ago.)

(High five, fellow person who can swear in Italian ;)


I can say asshole in German and that's like the only non-English swear I know. I learned it from The Book Thief.

I can say shit in German :) It's scheisse/scheiße